// Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer) // // typelib filename: AntView.ocx [ uuid(D4278A43-021B-4C82-9C1F-D6A6FA39851C), version(1.1), helpstring("AntView WebView2 Browser control") ] library AntViewAx { // TLib : // TLib : OLE Automation : {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib interface IAntView; dispinterface IAntViewEvents; interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs; interface IAntViewDeferral; interface IAntViewAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedHandler; interface IAntViewExecuteScriptCompletedHandler; interface IAntViewCapturePreviewCompletedHandler; interface IAntViewWindowCloseRequestedEventHandler; interface IAntViewWebResourceRequest; dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestEvents; interface IAntViewHttpRequestHeaders; interface IAntViewHttpResponseHeaders; interface IAntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs; interface IAntViewContentLoadingEventArgs; interface IAntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator; interface IAntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs; interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs; interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver; interface IAntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs; interface IAntViewSourceChangedEventArgs; interface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs; dispinterface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgsEvents; interface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs; dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgsEvents; interface IAntViewWebResourceResponseView; dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseViewEvents; interface IAntViewDocument; dispinterface IAntViewDocumentEvents; interface IAntViewDownloadOperation; dispinterface IAntViewDownloadOperationEvents; interface IAntViewGlobal; dispinterface IAntViewGlobalEvents; interface IAntViewFrame; dispinterface IAntViewFrameEvents; interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2; interface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatus; dispinterface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatusEvents; dispinterface IAntViewDeferralEvents; interface IAntViewWebResourceResponse; dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseEvents; [ odl, uuid(ED578313-6747-4B1A-A9B8-901BF73904A4), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for Edge WebView2 Browser Control"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntView : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, hidden] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000c9), propput, hidden] HRESULT Visible([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget] HRESULT AutoScroll([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propput] HRESULT AutoScroll([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget] HRESULT AutoSize([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propput] HRESULT AutoSize([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget] HRESULT AxBorderStyle([out, retval] TxActiveFormBorderStyle* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propput] HRESULT AxBorderStyle([in] TxActiveFormBorderStyle Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget] HRESULT BorderWidth([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cd), propput] HRESULT BorderWidth([in] long Value); [id(0xfffffdfa), propget] HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0xfffffdfa), propput] HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR Value); [id(0xfffffe0b), propget] HRESULT Color([out, retval] OLE_COLOR* Value); [id(0xfffffe0b), propput] HRESULT Color([in] OLE_COLOR Value); [id(0xfffffe00), propget] HRESULT Font([out, retval] IFontDisp** Value); [id(0xfffffe00), propput] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp* Value); [id(0xfffffe00), propputref] HRESULT Font([in] IFontDisp** Value); [id(0x000000ce), propget] HRESULT KeyPreview([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000ce), propput] HRESULT KeyPreview([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000cf), propget] HRESULT PixelsPerInch([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cf), propput] HRESULT PixelsPerInch([in] long Value); [id(0x000000d0), propget] HRESULT PrintScale([out, retval] TxPrintScale* Value); [id(0x000000d0), propput] HRESULT PrintScale([in] TxPrintScale Value); [id(0x000000d1), propget] HRESULT Scaled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d1), propput] HRESULT Scaled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d2), propget, hidden] HRESULT Active([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d3), propget, hidden] HRESULT DropTarget([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d3), propput, hidden] HRESULT DropTarget([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d4), propget, hidden] HRESULT HelpFile([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000d4), propput, hidden] HRESULT HelpFile([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000d5), propget, hidden] HRESULT PopupMode([out, retval] TxPopupMode* Value); [id(0x000000d5), propput, hidden] HRESULT PopupMode([in] TxPopupMode Value); [id(0x000000d6), propget, hidden] HRESULT ScreenSnap([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d6), propput, hidden] HRESULT ScreenSnap([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d7), propget, hidden] HRESULT SnapBuffer([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000d7), propput, hidden] HRESULT SnapBuffer([in] long Value); [id(0x000000d8), propget, hidden] HRESULT DockSite([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d8), propput, hidden] HRESULT DockSite([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d9), propget, hidden] HRESULT DoubleBuffered([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d9), propput, hidden] HRESULT DoubleBuffered([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000da), propget, hidden] HRESULT AlignDisabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000db), propget, hidden] HRESULT MouseInClient([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000dc), propget, hidden] HRESULT VisibleDockClientCount([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000dd), propget, hidden] HRESULT ParentDoubleBuffered([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000dd), propput, hidden] HRESULT ParentDoubleBuffered([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000de), propget, hidden] HRESULT UseDockManager([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000de), propput, hidden] HRESULT UseDockManager([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0xfffffdfe), propget, hidden] HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0xfffffdfe), propput, hidden] HRESULT Enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000df), propget, hidden] HRESULT CurrentPPI([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000e0), propget, hidden] HRESULT ExplicitLeft([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000e1), propget, hidden] HRESULT ExplicitTop([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000e2), propget, hidden] HRESULT ExplicitWidth([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000e3), propget, hidden] HRESULT ExplicitHeight([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000e4), propget, hidden] HRESULT ScaleFactor([out, retval] single* Value); [id(0x000000e5), propget, hidden] HRESULT StyleName([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000e5), propput, hidden] HRESULT StyleName([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000e6), propget] HRESULT AlignWithMargins([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000e6), propput] HRESULT AlignWithMargins([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000e7), propget, hidden] HRESULT ParentCustomHint([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000e7), propput, hidden] HRESULT ParentCustomHint([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000e8), helpstring("Navigates to the URL passed and loads the document in the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Navigate([in] BSTR URL); [id(0x000000e9), helpstring("Navigate to a new document which is passed via a parameter as html.")] HRESULT NavigateToString([in] BSTR Html); [id(0x000000ea), propget, helpstring("Returns true if there is a previous page in the navigation history that we can navigate towards.")] HRESULT CanGoBack([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000eb), propget, helpstring("Returns true if there is a next page in the navigation history that we can navigate towards.")] HRESULT CanGoForward([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000ec), helpstring("Navigate the WebView to the previous page from your navigational history")] HRESULT GoBack(); [id(0x000000ed), helpstring("Navigate the WebView to the next page in navigation history")] HRESULT GoForward(); [id(0x000000ee), helpstring("Reloads the page that is currently viewed in the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Reload(); [id(0x000000ef), helpstring("Stops the WebView control from trying to navigate to the currently selected page and stops any resources from loading.")] HRESULT Stop(); [id(0x000000f0), propget, helpstring("Returns the title of the current document displayed in the browser control.")] HRESULT DocumentTitle([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000f1), propget, helpstring("Returns the full URL of the document currently viewed.")] HRESULT Source([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000f2), propget, helpstring("Returns the Browser version string. If you're not using the evergreen version then this will also include the channel name")] HRESULT BrowserVersionString([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000f3), propget, helpstring("Will return 0 if no WebView has been created or returns the Windows Process ID of the out of process browser control that is used for the WebView control.")] HRESULT BrowserProcessID([out, retval] unsigned long* Value); [id(0x000000f4), propget, helpstring("Returns True if the document rendered in the WebView contains a fullscreen HTML element")] HRESULT ContainsFullScreenElement([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000f5), propget, helpstring("True if the WebView control has been instantiated.")] HRESULT WebViewCreated([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000f7), propget, helpstring("If set then the default context menus are shown to the user in the WebView browser control")] HRESULT DefaultContextMenusEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000f7), propput, helpstring("If set then the default context menus are shown to the user in the WebView browser control")] HRESULT DefaultContextMenusEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000f8), propget, helpstring("Determines if the control should use the built in error page for failures with navigation and rendering.")] HRESULT BuiltInErrorPageEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000f8), propput, helpstring("Determines if the control should use the built in error page for failures with navigation and rendering.")] HRESULT BuiltInErrorPageEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000f9), propget, helpstring("Determines if the WebView control will display the default JavaScript dialog.")] HRESULT DefaultScriptDialogsEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000f9), propput, helpstring("Determines if the WebView control will display the default JavaScript dialog.")] HRESULT DefaultScriptDialogsEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000fa), propget, helpstring("Use this to disable the developer tools window for the user via either shortcut keys or the context menu.")] HRESULT DevToolsEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000fa), propput, helpstring("Use this to disable the developer tools window for the user via either shortcut keys or the context menu.")] HRESULT DevToolsEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000fb), propget, helpstring("With this you can control if you can run JavaScript when navigating the WebView control.")] HRESULT ScriptEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000fb), propput, helpstring("With this you can control if you can run JavaScript when navigating the WebView control.")] HRESULT ScriptEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000fc), propget, helpstring("With this you can control if the status bar will be displayed or not.")] HRESULT StatusBarEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000fc), propput, helpstring("With this you can control if the status bar will be displayed or not.")] HRESULT StatusBarEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000fd), propget, helpstring("Controls whether you are allowed communicate with the top level document hosted in the WebView control.")] HRESULT WebMessageEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000fd), propput, helpstring("Controls whether you are allowed communicate with the top level document hosted in the WebView control.")] HRESULT WebMessageEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000fe), propget, helpstring("Determines whether the user is allowed to zoom in and out on the WebView.")] HRESULT ZoomControlEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000fe), propput, helpstring("Determines whether the user is allowed to zoom in and out on the WebView.")] HRESULT ZoomControlEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000ff), propget, helpstring("The width/height size ratio for the WebView")] HRESULT SizeRatio([out, retval] double* Value); [id(0x000000ff), propput, helpstring("The width/height size ratio for the WebView")] HRESULT SizeRatio([in] double Value); [id(0x00000100), propget, helpstring("The windows HRESULT code for the last operation that the WebView2 control executed.")] HRESULT LastErrorCode([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000101), propget, helpstring("Exposes the dispatch interface of the ICoreWebView2 object of the WebView control")] HRESULT DefaultInterface([out, retval] IUnknown** Value); [id(0x00000102), propget, helpstring("Exposes dispatch interface of the ICoreWebView2Controller object which is used to host this control and is used for windowing and composition.")] HRESULT Controller([out, retval] IUnknown** Value); [id(0x00000103), propget, helpstring("Exposes dispatch interface of the ICoreWebView2Environment object. ")] HRESULT Environment([out, retval] IUnknown** Value); [id(0x00000104), propget, helpstring("Exposes dispatch interface of the ICoreWebView2Settings object which contains various settings that can be changed for the currently running WebView control.")] HRESULT Settings([out, retval] IUnknown** Value); [id(0x000000f6), propget, helpstring("Get or set the zoomfactor for the WebView.")] HRESULT ZoomFactor([out, retval] double* Value); [id(0x000000f6), propput, helpstring("Get or set the zoomfactor for the WebView.")] HRESULT ZoomFactor([in] double Value); [id(0x00000105), hidden, helpstring("Loads the Html in the browser control and uses the URL passed as the referer for the content")] HRESULT LoadHtml( [in] BSTR Html, [in] BSTR URL); [id(0x00000106)] HRESULT NavigateWithWebResourceRequest( [in] BSTR URI, [in] BSTR Method, [in] BSTR PostData, [in] BSTR Headers); [id(0x00000107), helpstring("Runs Javascript passed in script in the document currently rendered by the WebView2 control")] HRESULT ExecuteScript([in] BSTR script); [id(0x00000108), helpstring("Instantiates the webview2 control ")] HRESULT CreateWebView(); [id(0x00000109), helpstring("Closes the current WebView2 control")] HRESULT CloseWebView(); [id(0x0000010a), helpstring("Closes ALL the current WebViews and waits for the browser process to exit.")] HRESULT CloseBrowserProcess(); [id(0x0000010b), propget, helpstring("If Enabled then a window.close request will close the current WebView (default is true)")] HRESULT WindowClosedRequestEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x0000010b), propput, helpstring("If Enabled then a window.close request will close the current WebView (default is true)")] HRESULT WindowClosedRequestEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x0000010c), propget, helpstring("This creates the webview upon instantiating the control. The default is False.")] HRESULT CreateWebViewOnCreate([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x0000010c), propput, helpstring("This creates the webview upon instantiating the control. The default is False.")] HRESULT CreateWebViewOnCreate([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x0000010d), propget, helpstring("The UserDataFolder controls the location of where the browser cache files are written. By default this is the CustomCache subfolder in the folder of the host application. It needs to be writable by the current user.")] HRESULT UserDataFolder([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000010d), propput, helpstring("The UserDataFolder controls the location of where the browser cache files are written. By default this is the CustomCache subfolder in the folder of the host application. It needs to be writable by the current user.")] HRESULT UserDataFolder([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x0000010e), propget, helpstring("Only when this property is enabled can you track response received data (default is false)")] HRESULT WebResourceResponseReceivedEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x0000010e), propput, helpstring("Only when this property is enabled can you track response received data (default is false)")] HRESULT WebResourceResponseReceivedEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x0000010f), helpstring("Unlock the control for use in your applications")] HRESULT UnlockControl( [in] BSTR Company, [in] BSTR License); [id(0x00000110), helpstring("Returns the license unlock status, if properly licensed then will return usLicensed")] TxUnlockStatus UnlockStatus(); [id(0x00000111), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of days left in demo mode, or -1 if not in demo mode")] HRESULT DemoDaysLeft([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000112), propget, helpstring("Select the logic used for determining where the user data folder is created if you do not set it manually")] HRESULT DefaultUserDataFolderLocation([out, retval] TxUserDataFolderLocation* Value); [id(0x00000112), propput, helpstring("Select the logic used for determining where the user data folder is created if you do not set it manually")] HRESULT DefaultUserDataFolderLocation([in] TxUserDataFolderLocation Value); [id(0x00000113), helpstring("Post a JSON webmessage to the top level document")] HRESULT PostWebMessageAsJson([in] BSTR webMessageAsJson); [id(0x00000114), helpstring("Post a string as webmessage to the top level document")] HRESULT PostWebMessageAsString([in] BSTR webMessageAsString); [id(0x00000115), helpstring("Map a virtual host Name to a folder Path")] HRESULT SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping( [in] BSTR hostName, [in] BSTR folderPath, [in] TxHostResourceAccessKind accessKind); [id(0x00000116), helpstring("Clear the virtual host name mapping")] HRESULT ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping([in] BSTR hostName); [id(0x00000117), propput, helpstring("Overrides default focus behavior when you shift-tab out of the control. Set to Window Handle of control that you want to take the focus.")] HRESULT PreviousFocusWindowHandle([in] uint64 rhs); [id(0x00000118), propput, helpstring("Overrides default focus behavior when you tab out of the control. Set to Window Handle of control that you want to take the focus.")] HRESULT NextFocusWindowHandle([in] uint64 rhs); [id(0x00000119), propget, helpstring("Determines the User Agent used for the control, default is the Edge User Agent")] HRESULT UserAgent([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x00000119), propput, helpstring("Determines the User Agent used for the control, default is the Edge User Agent")] HRESULT UserAgent([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x0000011a), propget, helpstring("Returns the last error message string")] HRESULT LastErrorMessage([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000011b), propget, helpstring("AntView version string.")] HRESULT VersionString([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000011c), helpstring("Will open the DevTools Window if not already opened.")] HRESULT OpenDevToolsWindow(); [id(0x0000011d), helpstring("Add eventName to the events to listen for")] HRESULT AddDevToolsProtocolEventReceived([in] BSTR eventName); [id(0x0000011e), helpstring("Remove eventName from the list of events to listen for")] HRESULT RemoveDevToolsProtocolEventReceived([in] BSTR eventName); [id(0x0000011f)] HRESULT CallDevToolsProtocolMethod( [in] BSTR methodName, [in] BSTR parametersAsJson); [id(0x00000120), helpstring("Print the current page to Pdf with the current settings")] HRESULT PrintToPdf( [in] BSTR ResultFilePath, [in] BSTR printSettings); [id(0x00000121), propget, helpstring("Using this property you can provide a different path for where the webview2Loader.dll resides.")] HRESULT WebView2LoaderPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x00000121), propput, helpstring("Using this property you can provide a different path for where the webview2Loader.dll resides.")] HRESULT WebView2LoaderPath([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x00000122), propget, helpstring("Are browser specific accelerator keys enabled?")] HRESULT BrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x00000122), propput, helpstring("Are browser specific accelerator keys enabled?")] HRESULT BrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x00000123), propget, helpstring("Are general forms autosaved and autofilled or not")] HRESULT GeneralAutofillEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x00000123), propput, helpstring("Are general forms autosaved and autofilled or not")] HRESULT GeneralAutofillEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x00000124), propget, helpstring("Are passwords automatically saved in a form or not")] HRESULT PasswordAutosaveEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x00000124), propput, helpstring("Are passwords automatically saved in a form or not")] HRESULT PasswordAutosaveEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x00000125), propget] HRESULT DownloadDialogCornerAlignment([out, retval] TxDownloadDialogCornerAlignment* Value); [id(0x00000125), propput] HRESULT DownloadDialogCornerAlignment([in] TxDownloadDialogCornerAlignment Value); [id(0x00000126), propget, helpstring("Returns the IDispatch pointer of this browser control")] HRESULT IDispatchPointer([out, retval] IDispatch** Value); [id(0x00000127), propget, helpstring("Use events that use hexadecimal instead of Int64 variables")] HRESULT EventsUseHexadecimal([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x00000127), propput, helpstring("Use events that use hexadecimal instead of Int64 variables")] HRESULT EventsUseHexadecimal([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x00000129), propput, helpstring("Like PreviousFocusWindowHandle, but the uint64 pointer is a uint instead.")] HRESULT PreviousFocusWindowHandleUInt([in] unsigned long rhs); [id(0x0000012a), propput, helpstring("Like NextFocusWindowHandle, but the uint64 pointer is a uint instead.")] HRESULT NextFocusWindowHandleUInt([in] unsigned long rhs); [id(0x0000012b), helpstring("Move the focus to the browser control")] HRESULT MoveFocus([in] TxMoveFocusReason Reason); [id(0x0000012c), propget, helpstring("Browser arguments (chrome flags) used by the WebView2 during initialisation.")] HRESULT AdditionalBrowserArguments([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000012c), propput, helpstring("Browser arguments (chrome flags) used by the WebView2 during initialisation.")] HRESULT AdditionalBrowserArguments([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x0000012d), propget, helpstring("The interface language used by the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Language([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000012d), propput, helpstring("The interface language used by the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Language([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x0000012e), propget, helpstring("The minimum version of the WebView2 control to be used")] HRESULT TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000012e), propput, helpstring("The minimum version of the WebView2 control to be used")] HRESULT TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x0000012f), propget, helpstring("Set to true to use the Single Sign On feature as provided by the OS (default is false)")] HRESULT AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x0000012f), propput, helpstring("Set to true to use the Single Sign On feature as provided by the OS (default is false)")] HRESULT AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x00000128), helpstring("Synchronous version of Navigate")] HRESULT NavigateSync( [in] BSTR URL, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* IsSuccess, [in, out] TxWebErrorStatus* WebErrorStatus, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x00000130), helpstring("Synchronous version of NavigateToString")] HRESULT NavigateToStringSync( [in] BSTR Html, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* IsSuccess, [in, out] TxWebErrorStatus* WebErrorStatus, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x00000131), propget, helpstring("Time out in milliseconds for all of the synchronous methods in the AntView interface")] HRESULT SynchronousTimeOut([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000131), propput, helpstring("Time out in milliseconds for all of the synchronous methods in the AntView interface")] HRESULT SynchronousTimeOut([in] long Value); [id(0x00000132), helpstring("Synchronous version of CreateWebView")] HRESULT CreateWebViewSync( [in, out] long* HResult, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x00000133), helpstring("Add a resource filter for a specified URI")] HRESULT AddWebResourceRequestedFilter( [in] BSTR URI, [in] TxResourceContext ResourceContext); [id(0x00000134), helpstring("Remove a resource filter for a specfied URI")] HRESULT RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter( [in] BSTR URI, [in] TxResourceContext ResourceContext); [id(0x00000135), helpstring("Create a new WebResource request object.")] HRESULT CreateWebResourceRequest( [in] BSTR URI, [in] BSTR Method, [in] BSTR PostData, [in] BSTR Headers, [out, retval] IAntViewWebResourceRequest** Result); [id(0x00000136), helpstring("Create a WebResource response object.")] HRESULT CreateWebResourceResponse( [in] BSTR Content, [in] long StatusCode, [in] BSTR ReasonPhrase, [in] BSTR Headers, [out, retval] IAntViewWebResourceResponse** Result); }; [ uuid(E5320022-27A2-47EF-9BCC-CF0114FE8F1D), version(1.1), helpstring("Events interface for MS Edge WebView2 Browser Control") ] dispinterface IAntViewEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9)] void OnActivate(); [id(0x000000ca)] void OnAfterMonitorDpiChanged( [in] long OldDPI, [in] long NewDPI); [id(0x000000cb)] void OnBeforeMonitorDpiChanged( [in] long OldDPI, [in] long NewDPI); [id(0x000000cc)] void OnClick(); [id(0x000000cd), helpstring("Triggered during creation. This is where you can change the UserDataFolder")] void OnCreate(); [id(0x000000ce)] void OnDblClick(); [id(0x000000cf), helpstring("Called when the AntView object goes out of scope")] void OnDestroy(); [id(0x000000d0)] void OnDeactivate(); [id(0x000000d1)] void OnKeyPress([in, out] short* Key); [id(0x000000d2)] void OnMouseEnter(); [id(0x000000d3)] void OnMouseLeave(); [id(0x000000d4)] void OnPaint(); [id(0x000000d5), helpstring("This event is raised when the WebView2 control wants to navigate to a different URL.")] void OnNavigationStarting([in] IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs* Args); [id(0x000000d6), helpstring("WebView has completely loaded or loading stopped with error")] void OnNavigationCompleted( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000d7), helpstring("Raised when the WebView receives the response for a request for a web resource")] void OnWebResourceResponseReceived( [in] IAntViewWebResourceRequest* Request, [in] IAntViewWebResourceResponseView* Response); [id(0x000000d9), helpstring("When the script run via ExecuteScript completes it will raise this even with the result. The result is passed as a JSON object.")] void OnExecuteScript( [in] long HResult, [in] BSTR JsonObject); [id(0x000000da), helpstring("The event OnDocumentTitleChanged is triggered when the DocumentTitle property changes and may be raised before or after the NavigationCompleted event.")] HRESULT OnDocumentTitleChanged(); [id(0x000000db), helpstring("OnHistoryChanged is raised when there is change of navigation history for the top level document.")] HRESULT OnHistoryChanged(); [id(0x000000dc), helpstring("This event triggers after CreateWebView completes. Successful or not.")] HRESULT OnCreateWebviewCompleted([in] long HResult); [id(0x000000d8), helpstring("Event is raised when the ContainsFullScreenElement property changes")] HRESULT OnContainsFullScreenElementChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL ContainsFullScreenElement); [id(0x000000dd), helpstring("OnContentLoading is raised before any content is loaded")] HRESULT OnContentLoading( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsErrorPage, [in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000de), helpstring("Raised when a child frame has completely loaded (body.onload has been raised) or when loading has stopped with an error.")] HRESULT OnFrameNavigationCompleted( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000df), helpstring("FrameNavigationStarting is raised when a child frame in the WebView requests permission to navigate to a different URI.")] HRESULT OnFrameNavigationStarting([in] IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs* Args); [id(0x000000e0), helpstring("SourceChanged is raised when the Source property changes.")] HRESULT OnSourceChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL IsNewDocument); [id(0x000000e1), helpstring("Raised when content inside the WebView requested to close the window, such as after window.close() is run.")] HRESULT OnWindowClosedRequested(); [id(0x000000e2), helpstring("Event is raised when the ZoomFactor property is changed")] HRESULT OnZoomFactorChanged([in] double ZoomFactor); [id(0x000000e3), helpstring("Called for a Javascript dialog when property AreDefaultScriptDialogEnabled is set to False")] HRESULT OnScriptDialogOpening( [in] BSTR URI, [in] BSTR DefaultText, [in] BSTR Message, [in] TxScriptDialogKind Kind, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Accept, [in, out] BSTR* ResultText); [id(0x000000e4), helpstring("Raised when the IsWebMessageEnabled setting is set and the top-level document of the top level frame uses window.chrome.webview.postMessage.")] HRESULT OnWebMessageReceived( [in] BSTR URI, [in] BSTR MessageAsJson, [in] BSTR MessageAsString); [id(0x000000e5), helpstring("Raised when the DevToolsProtocol event has been received")] HRESULT OnDevToolsProtocolEventReceived( [in] BSTR eventName, [in] BSTR parameterObjectAsJson); [id(0x000000e6), helpstring("Event that returns the async result of the CallDevToolsProtocol method")] void OnCallDevToolsProtocolMethod( [in] long HResult, [in] BSTR JsonObject); [id(0x000000e7), hidden] HRESULT OnBasicAuthenticationRequested(); [id(0x000000e8), helpstring("Event that triggers when a client certificate is requested by the website visited.")] HRESULT OnClientCertificateRequested( [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Handled, [in] BSTR host, [in] BSTR hostInfo, [in] BSTR trustedCertificates, [in, out] long* selectedCertificate); [id(0x000000e9), helpstring("This event fires when the document has been completely loaded and parsed.")] HRESULT OnDOMContentLoaded([in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000ea), helpstring("Event is raised before a download starts so that you can anticipate on that")] HRESULT OnDownloadStarting( [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Cancel, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Handled, [in] IAntViewDownloadOperation* DownloadOperation, [in, out] BSTR* ResultPath, [in, out] BSTR* ResultFileName); [id(0x000000eb), helpstring("Raised when an iframe is created in the html document.")] HRESULT OnFrameCreated([in] IAntViewFrame* Frame); [id(0x000000ec), hidden] HRESULT OnIsDefaultDownloadDialogOpenChanged(); [id(0x000000ed), hidden] HRESULT OnIsDocumentPlayingAudioChanged(); [id(0x000000ee), hidden] HRESULT OnIsMutedChanged(); [id(0x000000ef), helpstring("The document requests to open a new window via for example javascript window.open")] HRESULT OnNewWindowRequested([in] IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs* Args); [id(0x000000f0), helpstring("Triggered when a permission is requested.")] HRESULT OnPermissionRequested( [in] VARIANT_BOOL UserInitiated, [in] TxPermissionKind PermissionKind, [in, out] TxPermissionState* State, [in] BSTR URI, [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Handled); [id(0x000000f1), helpstring("Event is triggered when the process becomes unresponsive or fails")] HRESULT OnProcessFailed( [in] long ExitCode, [in] BSTR FrameInfosForFailedProcess, [in] BSTR ProcessDescription, [in] TxProcessFailedKind ProcessFailedKind, [in] TxProcessFailedReason Reason); [id(0x000000f2), helpstring("Same as OnContentLoading, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnContentLoadingHex( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsErrorPage, [in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000f3), helpstring("Same as OnNavigationCompleted, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnNavigationCompletedHex( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000f4), helpstring("Same as OnFramNavigationCompleted, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnFrameNavigationCompletedHex( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000f5), helpstring("Event that triggers when a PrintToPdf completes")] HRESULT OnPrintToPdfCompleted( [in] long HResult, [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccessful); [id(0x000000f6), helpstring("Same as OnDOMContentLoaded, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnDOMContentLoadedHex([in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000f7), helpstring("Event is raised when an accelerator key is pressed.")] HRESULT OnAcceleratorKeyPressed( [in, out] VARIANT_BOOL* Handled, [in] TxKeyEventKind KeyEventKind, [in] long KeyEventLParam, [in] long VirtualKey, [in] IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatus* PhysicalKeyStatus); [id(0x000000f8), helpstring("This event is raised when a webresource filter and URI is matched.")] HRESULT OnWebResourceRequested([in] IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs* Args); }; [ uuid(7E146B1D-42ED-4386-904F-9A9EDB61F9AE), version(1.1), helpstring("AntView MS Edge WebView2 Browser Control"), control ] coclass Antview { [default] interface IAntView; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(3B15EB40-294C-4F92-9E36-EAA739E96970), version(1.1), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs : IDispatch { [id(0x00000065), propget, helpstring("The URI for the document the browser tries to navigate")] HRESULT URI([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x00000066), propget, helpstring("If the user initiated this navigate then this is set to true.")] HRESULT IsUserInitiated([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000067), propget, helpstring("If the server redirected the URL to a new Uri then this is true")] HRESULT IsRedirected([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000068), propget, helpstring("The http request headers for this navigation")] HRESULT RequestHeaders([out, retval] IAntViewHttpRequestHeaders** Value); [id(0x00000069), propget, helpstring("Set to true if the navigation is canceled")] HRESULT Cancel([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x00000069), propput, helpstring("Set to true if the navigation is canceled")] HRESULT Cancel([in] long Value); [id(0x0000006a), propget, helpstring("The ID created to track this navigation through all the events.")] HRESULT NavigationId([out, retval] int64* Value); [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Same as NavigationId, but the Id is passed as a hexadecimal string")] HRESULT NavigationIdHex([out, retval] BSTR* Value); }; [ odl, uuid(DC642FDC-48E5-43D6-B691-CA11858F7AF7), version(1.1), helpstring("Put events into a deferred state so you can complete them later."), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewDeferral : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Complete should be run to finalize the deferral.")] HRESULT Complete(); }; [ odl, uuid(2658CFB7-5F1A-4C43-9FDB-0D5F61108D7E), version(1.1), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewAddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompletedHandler : IUnknown { }; [ odl, uuid(023F643E-BD55-420C-800D-5269591F30C9), version(1.1), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewExecuteScriptCompletedHandler : IUnknown { }; [ odl, uuid(ADC52809-A96A-43CB-B2BA-708B1656CA20), version(1.1), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewCapturePreviewCompletedHandler : IUnknown { }; [ odl, uuid(F688E49D-B4C3-47DD-B595-1FDE88ED5D28), version(1.1), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWindowCloseRequestedEventHandler : IUnknown { }; [ uuid(3326D4EF-884E-4EF7-A61F-8E5AB4862990), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs Object") ] coclass AntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(D5462D09-2D7C-4740-8E75-D23F9775D897), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewWebResourceRequest Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWebResourceRequest : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Get the request URI.")] HRESULT URI([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000c9), propput, helpstring("Get the request URI.")] HRESULT URI([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("Get HTTP request method")] HRESULT Method([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propput, helpstring("Get HTTP request method")] HRESULT Method([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Gets the mutable HTTP request headers.")] HRESULT Headers([out, retval] IAntViewHttpRequestHeaders** Value); }; [ uuid(330380AF-ADD0-49F8-A246-ECBD89BBCED7), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the AntViewWebResourceRequest interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the AntViewWebResourceRequest object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ odl, uuid(DABA3E9F-7550-40C5-BAA8-3E5757DB9FC1), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewHttpRequestHeaders Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewHttpRequestHeaders : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Returns true when the headers collection contains a header that matches the passed value.")] HRESULT Contains( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Found); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Returns the value of the Header for the name passed.")] HRESULT GetHeader( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("Removes the header that matches name.")] HRESULT RemoveHeader([in] BSTR Name); [id(0x000000cc), helpstring("Set the value of the Header for the name passed.")] HRESULT SetHeader( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget, helpstring("Returns all Headers as a JSON object")] HRESULT JsonObject([out, retval] BSTR* Value); }; [ uuid(C225455F-55B8-49A2-9246-9A7BB26F577E), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewHttpRequestHeaders Object") ] coclass AntViewHttpRequestHeaders { [default] interface IAntViewHttpRequestHeaders; }; [ odl, uuid(17BD6E79-3456-49AE-A36E-4EE168404708), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewHttpResponseHeaders Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewHttpResponseHeaders : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Append a header to the collection")] HRESULT AppendHeader( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Returns true when the headers collection contains a header that matches the passed value.")] HRESULT Contains( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Found); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("Returns the value of the Header for the name passed.")] HRESULT GetHeader( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("Returns all Headers as a JSON object")] HRESULT JsonObject([out, retval] BSTR* Value); }; [ uuid(C00CD9F2-BBEF-4B5E-9D3D-BE08D09157D5), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewHttpResponseHeaders Object") ] coclass AntViewHttpResponseHeaders { [default] interface IAntViewHttpResponseHeaders; }; [ odl, uuid(1BF8DA6C-805C-433A-8B60-F37A2A16B15B), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(04A54D10-27B5-48C2-AE86-11F398F55523), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(7D03017A-036A-4D72-9642-2563C3091F65), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewContentLoadingEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewContentLoadingEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(CF64BDD2-7770-49F5-A68D-40827CC3F190), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewContentLoadingEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewContentLoadingEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewContentLoadingEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(028E3EA1-F827-40A7-8D25-2452F33E2B67), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(CE0AE45A-BF24-4668-92FF-5AA64F34B5EF), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator { [default] interface IAntViewHttpHeadersCollectionIterator; }; [ odl, uuid(04B4ABF7-9CF4-4359-97C4-A9B7491032E8), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(712B1A3C-C5C0-4D44-91B0-0E454AD07256), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(501F8556-A769-45A3-96C4-6129BB04C8B5), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(81BBF01A-0C6B-4221-B7DC-E5D0A3E843EF), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceivedEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(394B2B09-C924-4B38-9926-070B60C8B3D4), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(66617E01-BE7B-4910-86DF-B4C241D2AF1F), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver { [default] interface IAntViewDevToolsProtocolEventReceiver; }; [ odl, uuid(D10FF93B-E5B8-4FB9-9B28-06DF90269C78), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(9EA17BDA-36FB-47B4-A4F9-C0A29A154A69), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewScriptDialogOpeningEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(253EF004-8449-4621-BEFE-BB68B24CA8D2), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewSourceChangedEventArgs Object"), hidden, dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewSourceChangedEventArgs : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(CFEDFEF8-9B03-48BA-9566-516163DF4EA3), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewSourceChangedEventArgs Object"), hidden ] coclass AntViewSourceChangedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewSourceChangedEventArgs; }; [ odl, uuid(D2206CA5-30EE-434B-98E8-32050637B6DA), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Can be set to true if you want to handle window.open requests")] HRESULT Handled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000c9), propput, helpstring("Can be set to true if you want to handle window.open requests")] HRESULT Handled([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("Set if the new window opening was triggered because of a user action.")] HRESULT UserInitiated([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Name of the new windows, as can be defined in window.open(url,windowName)")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget] HRESULT NewWindow([out, retval] IAntView** Value); [id(0x000000cc), propput] HRESULT NewWindow([in] IAntView* Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget, helpstring("The URI for the new window")] HRESULT URI([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000ce), propget, helpstring("Get a deferral object to defer the event")] HRESULT Deferral([out, retval] IAntViewDeferral** Value); }; [ uuid(97A4F532-037A-45D2-A4A6-B55307014898), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the AntViewNewWindowRequestEventArgs interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgsEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the AntViewNewWindowRequestEventArgs object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ odl, uuid(FE990FF6-63AD-48E9-992C-5F1F7E6E0906), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("The WebResourceRequest object")] HRESULT Request([out, retval] IAntViewWebResourceRequest** Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("The type of resource that is requested")] HRESULT ResourceContext([out, retval] TxResourceContext* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Get the WebResourceResponse object")] HRESULT Response([out, retval] IAntViewWebResourceResponse** Value); [id(0x000000cb), propput, helpstring("Get the WebResourceResponse object")] HRESULT Response([in] IAntViewWebResourceResponse* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("Get a deferral object to defer the event.")] HRESULT Deferral([out, retval] IAntViewDeferral** Value); }; [ uuid(603A8463-8C38-45C5-B8EF-A18B46B5C039), version(1.1), helpstring("IAntViewWebResourceRequestEventArgsEvents") ] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgsEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the AntViewWebResourceRequestEventArgs object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ odl, uuid(B93E1239-C370-4CF1-9B94-439DCFD1F90F), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewWebResourceResponseView Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWebResourceResponseView : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response headers as received.")] HRESULT Headers([out, retval] IAntViewHttpResponseHeaders** Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response reason phrase.")] HRESULT ReasonPhrase([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response status code.")] HRESULT StatusCode([out, retval] long* Value); }; [ uuid(F449A1A9-DC11-4E37-91A8-1A21F1F02B84), version(1.1), helpstring("Events interface for AntViewWebResourceResponseView Object"), hidden ] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseViewEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), hidden] void OnStringContent([in] BSTR Content); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Called when the AntViewWebResourceResponseView object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(4C0264E5-C49A-4B33-A3A1-AFE9B682601C), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebResourceResponseView Object") ] coclass AntViewWebResourceResponseView { [default] interface IAntViewWebResourceResponseView; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseViewEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(53F7398F-62F1-4ECD-93C3-1AD60A989296), version(1.1), helpstring("Dispatch interface for AntViewDocument Object"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewDocument : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Request to return the html in the current document")] HRESULT RequestCurrentHtml(); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Decode escaped text in the JSON object passed")] HRESULT DecodeJsonObjectString( [in] BSTR JsonValue, [out, retval] BSTR* Content); [id(0x000000cb), propput, helpstring("Current Browser Dispatch interface that the document is connected to")] HRESULT CurrentBrowser([in] IAntView* rhs); [id(0x000000cc), propput, helpstring("Set the Value of the element identified by Id")] HRESULT ElementValueById( [in] BSTR Id, [in] BSTR rhs); [id(0x000000cd), propput, helpstring("Set the value of the element identified by Name")] HRESULT ElementValueByName( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR rhs); [id(0x000000ce), helpstring("Request the value of the element identified by Id")] HRESULT RequestElementValueById([in] BSTR Id); [id(0x000000cf), helpstring("Request the value of the element identified by Name")] HRESULT RequestElementValueByName([in] BSTR Name); [id(0x000000d0), helpstring("Submit a form identified by id")] HRESULT RequestFormSubmitById([in] BSTR FormId); [id(0x000000d1), helpstring("Submit a form identified by name")] HRESULT RequestFormSubmitByName([in] BSTR Name); [id(0x000000d2), helpstring("Runs an anonymous function for you with ability to track the async return values in OnRunAnonymousFunction")] HRESULT RunAnonymousFunction( [in] long Id, [in] VARIANT Params, [in] BSTR script, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000d3), propget, helpstring("Set to True if you want the OnRunAnymousFunction event to return parameters as well (default is false)")] HRESULT AnonymousFunctionReturnParams([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d3), propput, helpstring("Set to True if you want the OnRunAnymousFunction event to return parameters as well (default is false)")] HRESULT AnonymousFunctionReturnParams([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d4), helpstring("Connect the browser object to the document (Alternative for CurrentBrowser property if you cannot assign that way)")] HRESULT BrowserDispatch([in] IDispatch* Browser); [id(0x000000d5), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestElementValueById eg. Request the value of the element identified by Id")] HRESULT RequestElementValueByIdSync( [in] BSTR Id, [in, out] BSTR* Value, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000d6), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestElementValueById eg. Request the value of the element identified by Name")] HRESULT RequestElementValueByNameSync( [in] BSTR Name, [in, out] BSTR* Value, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000d7), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestCurrentHtml eg. Request to return the html in the current document")] HRESULT RequestCurrentHtmlSync( [in, out] BSTR* Html, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000d8), helpstring("Synchronous version of ElementValueById property eg. Set the Value of the element identified by Id")] HRESULT SetElementValueByIdSync( [in] BSTR Id, [in] BSTR Value, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000d9), helpstring("Synchronous version of ElementValueByName property eg. Set the value of the element identified by Name")] HRESULT SetElementValueByNameSync( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Value, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000da), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestFormSubmitById eg. Submit a form identified by id")] HRESULT RequestFormSubmitByIdSync( [in] BSTR FormId, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000db), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestFormSubmitByName eg. Submit a form identified by name")] HRESULT RequestFormSubmitByNameSync( [in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000dc), helpstring("Synchronous version of RunAnonymousFunction eg. Runs an anonymous function for you with the ability to return values immediately")] HRESULT RunAnonymousFunctionSync( [in] long Id, [in, out] VARIANT* Params, [in] BSTR script, [in, out] BSTR* Data, [out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000dd), propget, helpstring("Time out in milliseconds for all of the synchronous methods in the document interface")] HRESULT SynchronousTimeOut([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000dd), propput, helpstring("Time out in milliseconds for all of the synchronous methods in the document interface")] HRESULT SynchronousTimeOut([in] long Value); [id(0x000000de), helpstring("Connect Document to a frame")] HRESULT FrameDispatch([in] IDispatch* Frame); [id(0x000000df), helpstring("Asks the document to print via javascript")] HRESULT RequestPrint(); [id(0x000000e0), helpstring("Synchronous version of RequestPrint")] HRESULT RequestPrintSync([out, retval] long* Error); [id(0x000000e1), helpstring("Request to return all the text in the current document")] HRESULT RequestCurrentText(); [id(0x000000e2), helpstring("Synchronous version of requestCurrentText eg. Request to return the text in the current document")] HRESULT RequestCurrentTextSync( [in, out] BSTR* Text, [out, retval] long* Error); }; [ uuid(1E4D5280-C322-4D0D-8473-10D8B7581A02), version(1.1), helpstring("Events interface for AntViewDocument Object") ] dispinterface IAntViewDocumentEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Returns the data from RequestCurrentHtml function (Async)")] HRESULT OnRequestCurrentHtml([in] BSTR Html); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Async Return from setting the ElementValueById property")] HRESULT OnSetElementValueById( [in] BSTR Id, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("Async Return from the ElementValueByName function")] HRESULT OnSetElementValueByName( [in] BSTR Name, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000cc), helpstring("Returns the data from RequestElementValueById (Async)")] HRESULT OnRequestElementValueById( [in] BSTR Id, [in] BSTR Value, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000cd), helpstring("Returns the data from RequestElementValueByName (Async)")] HRESULT OnRequestElementValueByName( [in] BSTR Name, [in] BSTR Value, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000ce), helpstring("Return from RequestFormSubmitById")] HRESULT OnRequestFormSubmitById( [in] BSTR FormId, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000cf), helpstring("Return from RequestFormSubmitByName")] HRESULT OnRequestFormSubmitByName( [in] BSTR FormName, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000d0), helpstring("Results from RunAnonymousFunction")] HRESULT OnRunAnonymousFunction( [in] long Id, [in] VARIANT Params, [in] BSTR Data, [in] long Error); [id(0x000000d1), helpstring("Returns after the request for printing was completed.")] HRESULT OnRequestPrintCompleted(); [id(0x000000d2), helpstring("Returns the data from RequestCurrentText function (Async)")] HRESULT OnRequestCurrentText([in] BSTR Text); }; [ uuid(D89731D5-058C-4768-8CBA-386BE21BE090), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewDocument Object") ] coclass AntViewDocument { [default] interface IAntViewDocument; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewDocumentEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(E05CD5A0-F69B-4F16-9446-5F36C7BBA78E), version(1.1), helpstring("Download interface to manage and track the download progress"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewDownloadOperation : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Total bytes received so far.")] HRESULT BytesReceived([out, retval] int64* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("When a download is interrupted this shows if the file download can be resumed.")] HRESULT CanResume([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("http content-disposition header (can be empty)")] HRESULT ContentDisposition([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("The end time of the download as estimated by the webview2 control.")] HRESULT EstimatedEndTime([out, retval] DATE* Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget, helpstring("Depicts the reason the download was interrupted.")] HRESULT InterruptReason([out, retval] TxDownloadInterruptReason* Value); [id(0x000000ce), propget, helpstring("MIME type of the downloaded file.")] HRESULT MimeType([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cf), propget, helpstring("The complete path and file name where the file will be saved.")] HRESULT ResultFilePath([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000d0), propget, helpstring("The download state of the file.")] HRESULT State([out, retval] TxDownloadState* Value); [id(0x000000d1), propget, helpstring("Returns the total bytes to receive or zero if unknown.")] HRESULT TotalBytesToReceive([out, retval] int64* Value); [id(0x000000d2), propget, helpstring("The URI of the file to download.")] HRESULT URI([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000d3), helpstring("Cancel the current download.")] HRESULT Cancel(); [id(0x000000d4), helpstring("Pause the current file download.")] HRESULT Pause(); [id(0x000000d5), helpstring("Resume the interrupted or paused file download.")] HRESULT Resume(); [id(0x000000d6), propget, helpstring("Same as BytesReceived, but the received amount is returned as a hexadecimal string.")] HRESULT BytesReceivedHex([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000d7), propget, helpstring("Same as TotalBytesToReceive, but the total bytes amount is returned as a hexadecimal string.")] HRESULT TotalBytesToReceiveHex([out, retval] BSTR* Value); }; [ uuid(6068C226-0D1A-4968-9F3B-C2AF5544352E), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the download progress interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewDownloadOperationEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Triggers when bytes have been received.")] HRESULT OnBytesReceivedChanged(); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("This event triggers when the estimated end time of the download file has been updated.")] HRESULT OnEstimatedEndTimeChanged(); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("Event is triggered when the download state of the file has changed.")] HRESULT OnStateChanged(); [id(0x000000cc), helpstring("Called when the DownloadOperation object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(DBCF00CA-844E-448B-BE86-D17494A25D5B), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewDownloadOperation manage and track the download progress") ] coclass AntViewDownloadOperation { [default] interface IAntViewDownloadOperation; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewDownloadOperationEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(D756A0FF-B58A-404D-8143-2F387FA57DE6), version(1.1), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewGlobal : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("This creates the webview upon instantiating the control. The default is false.")] HRESULT CreateWebViewOnCreate([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000c9), propput, helpstring("This creates the webview upon instantiating the control. The default is false.")] HRESULT CreateWebViewOnCreate([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Unlock the control for use in your applications")] HRESULT UnlockControl( [in] BSTR Company, [in] BSTR License); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("The cache Data Folder used by the webview control. This needs to be writable by the current user and set before initial creation.")] HRESULT UserDataFolder([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propput, helpstring("The cache Data Folder used by the webview control. This needs to be writable by the current user and set before initial creation.")] HRESULT UserDataFolder([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("Using this property you can provide a different path for where the webview2Loader.dll resides.")] HRESULT WebView2LoaderPath([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propput, helpstring("Using this property you can provide a different path for where the webview2Loader.dll resides.")] HRESULT WebView2LoaderPath([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget, helpstring("Add browser arguments (chrome flags) that are used by the WebView2 during initialisation.")] HRESULT AdditionalBrowserArguments([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cd), propput, helpstring("Add browser arguments (chrome flags) that are used by the WebView2 during initialisation.")] HRESULT AdditionalBrowserArguments([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000ce), propget, helpstring("Sets the interface language used by the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Language([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000ce), propput, helpstring("Sets the interface language used by the WebView2 control.")] HRESULT Language([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cf), propget, helpstring("The minimum version of the WebView2 control to be used")] HRESULT TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000cf), propput, helpstring("The minimum version of the WebView2 control to be used")] HRESULT TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000d0), propget, helpstring("Set to true to use the Single Sign On feature as provided by the OS (default is false)")] HRESULT AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d0), propput, helpstring("Set to true to use the Single Sign On feature as provided by the OS (default is false)")] HRESULT AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); [id(0x000000d1), propget, helpstring("Use events that use hexadecimal instead of Int64 variables")] HRESULT EventsUseHexadecimal([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000d1), propput, helpstring("Use events that use hexadecimal instead of Int64 variables")] HRESULT EventsUseHexadecimal([in] VARIANT_BOOL Value); }; [ uuid(365459A9-8F12-40C4-800A-FB1FD54FF486), version(1.1) ] dispinterface IAntViewGlobalEvents { properties: methods: }; [ uuid(D3C5C53B-21D2-44E4-B359-A581A19899C2), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewGlobal object for shared initialisation defaults") ] coclass AntViewGlobal { [default] interface IAntViewGlobal; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewGlobalEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(D95CA9BE-253D-4290-9095-E0672405D4CB), version(1.1), helpstring("Interact with iFrames in your document"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewFrame : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Name of the iframe as declared in html")] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("True when a frame is destroyed, set during OnDestroyed event")] HRESULT Destroyed([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* Value); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("Sets dispatch pointer of the connected browser (normally set automatically)")] HRESULT BrowserDispatch([in] IDispatch* Browser); [id(0x000000cc), helpstring("Runs Javascript passed as script in the document currently rendered in the iframe")] HRESULT ExecuteScript([in] BSTR script); [id(0x000000cd), helpstring("Post a JSON webmessage to the current iframe")] HRESULT PostWebMessageAsJson([in] BSTR webMessageAsJson); [id(0x000000ce), helpstring("Post a string as webmessage to the current iframe")] HRESULT PostWebMessageAsString([in] BSTR webMessageAsString); [id(0x000000cf), propget, helpstring("Returns the IDispatch pointer of this frame object")] HRESULT IDispatchPointer([out, retval] IDispatch** Value); }; [ uuid(2DEA5060-F7A5-465C-B983-C89DB9510408), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for iframe interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewFrameEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Triggers when the name is changed via the window.name property")] HRESULT OnNameChanged(); [id(0x000000ca), helpstring("Triggers when the iframe is destroyed")] HRESULT OnDestroyed(); [id(0x000000cb), helpstring("This event is raised when the iframe navigates to a different URL.")] HRESULT OnNavigationStarting([in] IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2* Args); [id(0x000000cc), helpstring("OnContentLoading is raised before any content is loaded")] HRESULT OnContentLoading( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsErrorPage, [in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000cd), helpstring("Same as OnContentLoading, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnContentLoadingHex( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsErrorPage, [in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000ce), helpstring("Frame has completely loaded or loading stopped with error")] HRESULT OnNavigationCompleted( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000cf), helpstring("Same as OnNavigationCompleted, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnNavigationCompletedHex( [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsSuccess, [in] TxWebErrorStatus WebErrorStatus, [in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000d0), helpstring("This event fires when the document has been completely loaded and parsed.")] HRESULT OnDOMContentLoaded([in] int64 NavigationId); [id(0x000000d1), helpstring("Same as OnDOMConentLoaded, but using a hexadecimal navigationId")] HRESULT OnDOMContentLoadedHex([in] BSTR NavigationIdHex); [id(0x000000d2), helpstring("When the script run via ExecuteScript completes it will raise this even with the result. The result is passed as a JSON object.")] HRESULT OnExecuteScript( [in] long HResult, [in] BSTR JsonObject); [id(0x000000d3), helpstring("Raised when the current frame uses window.chrome.webview.postMessage.")] HRESULT OnWebMessageReceived( [in] BSTR URI, [in] BSTR MessageAsJson, [in] BSTR MessageAsString); [id(0x000000d4), helpstring("Called when the AntViewFrame object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(B55C02D2-DA86-439B-82C7-269A4FCAAEF7), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewFrame to interact with iFrames in your document") ] coclass AntViewFrame { [default] interface IAntViewFrame; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewFrameEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(059E8B77-F721-46C6-97F1-707FB0A18C82), version(1.1), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2 : IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs { [id(0x0000012d), propget, helpstring("Allow additional ancestors to embed this frame besides what is allowed by HTTP header")] HRESULT AdditionalAllowedFrameAncestors([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x0000012d), propput, helpstring("Allow additional ancestors to embed this frame besides what is allowed by HTTP header")] HRESULT AdditionalAllowedFrameAncestors([in] BSTR Value); }; [ uuid(985ABB8D-A670-4182-891E-66E2011F1AC9), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2 Object") ] coclass AntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2 { [default] interface IAntViewNavigationStartingEventArgs2; }; [ odl, uuid(7746E874-7D02-48A7-80F9-158AA65E17B8), version(1.1), helpstring("Retrieve the physical key status of your accelerator key"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatus : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Indicates that the key is an extended key")] HRESULT IsExtendedKey([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("Indicates that the user released the key")] HRESULT IsKeyReleased([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Indicates that the user is holding down a menu key")] HRESULT IsMenuKeyDown([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("Repeat count if the user is holding down the key")] HRESULT RepeatCount([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cd), propget, helpstring("The scan code of the key (See windows API)")] HRESULT ScanCode([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000ce), propget, helpstring("Indicates that the user is holding the key down.")] HRESULT WasKeyDown([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cf), propget, helpstring("The Shift Key is pressed")] HRESULT IsShiftKeyDown([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000d0), propget, helpstring("The control key is pressed")] HRESULT IsControlKeyDown([out, retval] long* Value); }; [ uuid(A96082DB-9E32-4A8C-8D6D-5CCEC08FEE39), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the PhysicalKeyStatus interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatusEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the AntViewPhysicalStatus object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(8345BD90-F80A-46AE-A3AC-D6FC50335DBA), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewPhysicalKeyStatus to get the key status in the OnAcceleratorKeyPressed event") ] coclass AntViewPhysicalKeyStatus { [default] interface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatus; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewPhysicalKeyStatusEvents; }; [ uuid(FFE5CDC7-962D-4F60-8155-8ED6EFEEBDE9), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the AntViewDeferral interface") ] dispinterface IAntViewDeferralEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the Deferral object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(FE3C676C-F6E7-4FAC-AF81-B7D4C1FD42AF), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewDeferral to be able to put events in a deferred state") ] coclass AntViewDeferral { [default] interface IAntViewDeferral; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewDeferralEvents; }; [ uuid(14C5B071-526F-46BA-A8B2-D6926DAF5FB6), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebResourceRequest Object") ] coclass AntViewWebResourceRequest { [default] interface IAntViewWebResourceRequest; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestEvents; }; [ uuid(C2ABDE17-C1DE-4BD3-AC47-9CF75D16F918), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs Object") ] coclass AntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgs; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewNewWindowRequestedEventArgsEvents; }; [ odl, uuid(0A21BB2C-3DD6-4EE6-A075-ABB9D1AF0250), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebResourceResponse"), dual, oleautomation ] interface IAntViewWebResourceResponse : IDispatch { [id(0x000000c9), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response headers as received.")] HRESULT Headers([out, retval] IAntViewHttpResponseHeaders** Value); [id(0x000000ca), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response reason phrase.")] HRESULT ReasonPhrase([out, retval] BSTR* Value); [id(0x000000ca), propput, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response reason phrase.")] HRESULT ReasonPhrase([in] BSTR Value); [id(0x000000cb), propget, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response status code.")] HRESULT StatusCode([out, retval] long* Value); [id(0x000000cb), propput, helpstring("Gets the HTTP response status code.")] HRESULT StatusCode([in] long Value); [id(0x000000cc), propget, helpstring("Exposes the dispatch interface for the ICoreWebView2 object of the WebResourceResponse control")] HRESULT DefaultInterface([out, retval] IUnknown** Value); }; [ uuid(4267E4AB-8E50-4DC7-8303-C8C3116A1D52), version(1.1), helpstring("Events for the WebResourceResponse object") ] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseEvents { properties: methods: [id(0x000000c9), helpstring("Called when the AntViewWebResourceResponse object goes out of scope")] HRESULT OnDestroy(); }; [ uuid(D79D466B-3C77-4DA7-86DF-42CBF2B64A53), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebResourceResponse Object") ] coclass AntViewWebResourceResponse { [default] interface IAntViewWebResourceResponse; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceResponseEvents; }; [ uuid(0C2BFE58-1A8A-4D83-89B1-3095E0AB036C), version(1.1), helpstring("AntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs Object") ] coclass AntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs { [default] interface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgs; [default, source] dispinterface IAntViewWebResourceRequestedEventArgsEvents; }; typedef [uuid(58925649-6B8E-419B-A4A4-247D353856CC), version(1.1)] enum { afbNone = 0, afbSingle = 1, afbSunken = 2, afbRaised = 3 } TxActiveFormBorderStyle; typedef [uuid(DC835585-829B-4E6F-8993-C15A7234E4F8), version(1.1)] enum { poNone = 0, poProportional = 1, poPrintToFit = 2 } TxPrintScale; typedef [uuid(7373240D-921F-40EC-9146-1AD2A92E63B6), version(1.1)] enum { mbLeft = 0, mbRight = 1, mbMiddle = 2 } TxMouseButton; typedef [uuid(751A7FEC-917A-4BA6-9CBE-D717F223924E), version(1.1)] enum { pmNone = 0, pmAuto = 1, pmExplicit = 2 } TxPopupMode; typedef [uuid(4CE3D414-7CDE-4364-A501-F1AB69E2C66A), version(1.1), helpstring("Constants for enum COREWEBVIEW2_WEB_ERROR_STATUS")] enum { wesUnknown = 0, wesCertificateCommonNameIsIncorrect = 1, wesCertificateExpired = 2, wesClientCertificateContainsErrors = 3, wesCertificateRevoked = 4, wesCertificateIsInvalid = 5, wesServerUnreachable = 6, wesTimeout = 7, wesErrorHttpInvalidServerResponse = 8, wesConnectionAborted = 9, wesConnectionReset = 10, wesDisconnected = 11, wesCannotConnect = 12, wesHostNameNotResolved = 13, wesOperationCanceled = 14, wesRedirectFailed = 15, wesUnexpectedError = 16, wesValidAuthenticationCredentialsRequired = 17, wesValidProxyAuthenticationRequired = 18 } TxWebErrorStatus; typedef [uuid(7784CECA-098D-4C4D-874D-A389D2ECDA00), version(1.1), helpstring("License status of control as is returned by UnlockStatus")] enum { usUnlicensed = -1, usUndefined = 0, usLicensed = 1, usDemoLicense = 2 } TxUnlockStatus; typedef [uuid(1AF2D68F-8851-4487-9F3D-C7BD3D3185A0), version(1.1), helpstring("The kind of javascript dialog that is triggering the OnScriptDialogOpening event.")] enum { sdkAlert = 0, sdkBeforeUnload = 3, sdkConfirm = 1, sdkPrompt = 2 } TxScriptDialogKind; typedef [uuid(230DEEE7-3D05-48BF-8361-C789DA722B62), version(1.1), helpstring("Determines logic for where to create the UserDataFolder")] enum { udflUserTempFolder = 0, udflApplicationFolder = 1 } TxUserDataFolderLocation; typedef [uuid(C59F9DC1-2C6D-4223-AC41-085B4E86C195), version(1.1), helpstring("Kind of cross origin resource access allowed for host resources during download")] enum { hrakDeny = 0, hrakAllow = 1, hrakDenyCors = 2 } TxHostResourceAccessKind; typedef [uuid(ED0098D8-C7E9-499E-8513-C6AC6D31E506), version(1.1), helpstring("The kind of failure that triggered the OnProcessFailed event.")] enum { pfkBrowserProcessExited = 0, pfkRenderProcessExited = 1, pfkRenderProcessUnresponsive = 2, pfkFrameRenderProcessExited = 3, pfkUtilityProcessExited = 4, pfkSandboxHelperProcessExited = 5, pfkGpuProcessExited = 6, pfkPpapiPluginProcessExited = 7, pfkPpapiBrokerProcessExited = 8, pfkUnknownProcessExited = 9 } TxProcessFailedKind; typedef [uuid(A8C35C22-483A-4337-B4AA-E2F62C9BF22E), version(1.1), helpstring("The reason for the failure that triggered the OnProcessFailed event.")] enum { pfrUnexpected = 0, pfrUnresponsive = 1, pfrTerminated = 2, pfrCrashed = 3, pfrLaunchFailed = 4, pfrOutOfMemory = 5 } TxProcessFailedReason; typedef [uuid(6BDE4DAC-0236-43C5-A075-17AA988A2A75), version(1.1), helpstring("Download interrupt reason enumeration")] enum { dirNone = 0, dirFileFailed = 1, dirFileAccessDenied = 2, dirFileNoSpace = 3, dirFileNameTooLong = 4, dirFileTooLarge = 5, dirFileMalicious = 6, dirFileTransientError = 7, dirFileBlockedByPolicy = 8, dirFileSecurityCheckFailed = 9, dirFileTooShort = 10, dirFileHashMismatch = 11, dirNetworkFailed = 12, dirNetworkTimedOut = 13, dirNetworkDisconnected = 14, dirNetworkServerDown = 15, dirNetworkInvalidRequest = 16, dirServerFailed = 17, dirServerNoRange = 18, dirServerBadContent = 19, dirServerUnauthorized = 20, dirServerCertificateProblem = 21, dirServerForbidden = 22, dirServerUnexpectedResponse = 23, dirServerContentLengthMismatch = 24, dirServerCrossOriginRedirect = 25, dirUserCanceled = 26, dirUserShutdown = 27, dirUserPaused = 28, dirDownloadProcessCrashed = 29 } TxDownloadInterruptReason; typedef [uuid(1685FD8A-6666-4CCC-9951-1DC767F03A39), version(1.1), helpstring("The download state of the file.")] enum { dsInProgress = 0, dsInterrupted = 1, dsCompleted = 2 } TxDownloadState; typedef [uuid(A16494F0-0F43-4E1A-92C6-22FAD10C03C8), version(1.1), helpstring("The type of permission request as passed by the OnPermissionRequested event")] enum { pkUnknownPermission = 0, pkMicrophone = 1, pkCamera = 2, pkGeolocation = 3, pkNotifications = 4, pkOtherSensors = 5, pkClipboardRead = 6 } TxPermissionKind; typedef [uuid(24A4D32D-4286-4467-B3EB-9AD91ABA3FF1), version(1.1), helpstring("Permission request State response for event OnPermissionRequested.")] enum { psDefault = 0, psAllow = 1, psDeny = 2 } TxPermissionState; typedef [uuid(85BBBA27-DF64-4116-8739-7811335D60D2), version(1.1), helpstring("The definition of the corners in which the download dialog appears")] enum { ddcaTopLeft = 0, ddcaTopRight = 1, ddcaBottomLeft = 2, ddcaBottomRight = 3 } TxDownloadDialogCornerAlignment; typedef [uuid(0F5B6C52-0EC7-41BC-B24C-BE12E74755A3), version(1.1), helpstring("The reason for why the MoveFocus method was used.")] enum { mfrProgrammatic = 0, mfrNext = 1, mfrPrevious = 2 } TxMoveFocusReason; typedef [uuid(D2EF74C7-46A3-4F80-9F81-0A52DFAE4D7D), version(1.1), helpstring("The type of key that raised a key accelerator event")] enum { kekKeyDown = 0, kekKeyUp = 1, kekSystemKeyDown = 2, kekSystemKeyUp = 3 } TxKeyEventKind; typedef [uuid(D0C68250-7ECC-4D37-9053-EB2F3F47FE48), version(1.1), helpstring("The type of resource that is requested")] enum { rcAll = 0, rcDocument = 1, rcStylesheet = 2, rcImage = 3, rcMedia = 4, rcFont = 5, rcScript = 6, rcXmlHttpRequest = 7, rcFetch = 8, rcTextTrack = 9, rcEventSource = 10, rcWebSocket = 11, rcManifest = 12, rcSignedExchange = 13, rcPing = 14, rcCspViolationReport = 15, rcOther = 16 } TxResourceContext; };