Shim Generator - shimgen.exe Copyright (C) 2017 - Present Chocolatey Software, Inc ("CHOCOLATEY") Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 RealDimensions Software, LLC ("RDS") =================================================================== Grant of License =================================================================== ATTENTION: Shim Generator ("shimgen.exe") is a closed source application with a proprietary license and its use is strictly limited to the terms of this license agreement. RealDimensions Software, LLC ("RDS") grants Chocolatey Software, Inc a revocable, non-exclusive license to distribute and use shimgen.exe with the official Chocolatey client ( This license file must be stored in Chocolatey source next to shimgen.exe and distributed with every copy of shimgen.exe. The distribution or use of shimgen.exe outside of these terms without the express written permission of RDS is strictly prohibited. While the source for shimgen.exe is closed source, the shims have reference source at =================================================================== End-User License Agreement =================================================================== EULA - Shim Generator IMPORTANT- READ CAREFULLY: This RealDimensions Software, LLC ("RDS") End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you ("END USER") and RDS for all RDS products, controls, source code, demos, intermediate files, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation (collectively "SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S)") contained with this distribution. RDS grants to you as an individual or entity, a personal, non-exclusive license to install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) for the sole purpose of use with the official Chocolatey client. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S), END USER agrees to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If END USER does not agree to any part of the terms of this EULA, DO NOT INSTALL, USE, OR EVALUATE, ANY PART, FILE OR PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S). In no event shall RDS be liable to END USER for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of the use or inability to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses). The liability of RDS to END USER for any reason and upon any cause of action related to the performance of the work under this agreement whether in tort or in contract or otherwise shall be limited to the amount paid by the END USER to RDS pursuant to this agreement or as determined by written agreement signed by both RDS and END USER. ALL SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) are licensed not sold. If you are an individual, you must acquire an individual license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) from RDS or its authorized resellers. If you are an entity, you must acquire an individual license for each machine running the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) within your organization from RDS or its authorized resellers. Both virtual and physical machines running the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) must be counted in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S) licenses quantity of the organization. =================================================================== Commercial / Personal Licensing =================================================================== Shim Generator ("shimgen.exe") is also offered under personal and commercial licenses. You can learn more by contacting Chocolatey at