Installation Instructions for Primo 2.4- 2012 A) Install base Primo2 files 1) Extract/Unrar Required Base Files on your computer. Copy entire Primo2 folder to your GPS device or SD Card. Primo2 folder and Primo2.exe within it can be renamed to whatever your device or menu system would prefer. Do not unzip anything within the Primo2 folder. 2) Extract/Unrar Non-TTS Voice files on your computer. Copy desired {voice}.zip file to the appropriate folder under Primo2 folder, as shown, on your device or SD Card. Do not unzip the Voice file. 3) Extract/Unrar Program-Interface Language files on your computer. Copy desired {Lang}.zip file to the appropriate folder under Primo2 folder, as shown, on your device or SD Card. Do not unzip the Language file. Note that if no Non-TTS voice or Language file is chosen and copied to the Primo2 folder on your device or SD Card, both will default to English. At this point, do not add any other content files (voices, maps, skins, etc)... start the program on your device and make sure everything works, go through initial setup making the appropriate choices. Go outside with a clear view of the sky and make sure you can get a satellite lock. Exit out of Primo. Now you MUST add your local/regional maps in order to navigate (only the basemap is included in the base files for setup and testing.. ...this map is not suitable for navigation). Most newest map sets are available here: B) Install optional Text-To-Speech (TTS) voice(s) if desired. 1) Extract/Unrar desired downloaded TTS Pro voice file on your computer. Copy ALL files to the folders indicated to the same folders under the Primo2 folder on your device or SD Card. 2) Start Primo, go to Settings>Sound and Warnings>Voice Language>(TAP)>Choose the TTS Voice. If all is well, you will hear a sample..back out to the Map view. If you hear nothing, or a TTS Voice does not appear in the choices, double check the installation of the files...that all are copied to the correct folders, then try again. Your device should have 128 MB Ram for smooth operation of TTS Voices and other features. C) Install optional Skin(s) Note that skins designed for previous versions of Primo/Primo2 will NOT work with 2.4- -you must use skins developed specifically for 2.4 such as the two included in the Torrent. 1) Copy from Optional Skins folder the {skin}.zip file desired to the same folder indicated (Content/Skin) under the Primo2 folder on your device or SD Card. 2) Skins are not enabled by default... ..go to Settings>Display>Day Skin Theme/Night Skin Theme (tap each and choose what you want). After choosing or changing a Skin, always back out, Exit Primo, then start it back up for the Skin choices to be enabled. Many more settings and possibilities may now show in Settings and various sub-setting categories. D) Install optional Full Color POI/Icon pack. Note: Only 480x272 and/or 800x400 resolutions are supported, and most custom icons are specific to Europe. 1) Extract/Unrar appropriate resolution pack on your computer. Copy the entire contents of the ui_igo9 folder to the same folder on your device or SD Card. 2) Start Primo, go to Settings>Map Settings>Place Markers> Choose the categories and specifics you would like displayed on the Map screen. Many more specific options are available with the diMka skin installed and activated. For individual help and support go here and post a forum message: