Navteq histspeed,NQ; .hsp Intelligent route >>> hsp >>> the directory *\content\histspeed_NQ\ =================================================================================== Navteq name folders histspeed (active) for mapchanger histspeed_NQ name folder android navigation, name folder windows navigation histspeed_NT name folder windows navigation ==================================================================================== Files in directory \content\histspeed: *.HSP - average data for the congestion on the roads in different days of week and time of day. Helps in calculating the route to avoid potential congestion. Do not be confused with TMC (he is in real time)! ==================================================================================== Podaci unutar sd/iGO/content/histspeed: *.HSP - prosečni podaci o gužvi na putevima u različito doba dana. Pomaže u izračunavanju rute ====================================================================================