¢À How to upgrade firmware ¢À 1. Download the attached "Bin file(firmware)" and "Sfdnwin.exe file(download program)" into a temporary folder. 2. When you run "Sfdnwin.exe", Pop-up window will appear. you can see your ROM- drive(s) in the Pop-up window. Then choose the drive whose firmware you want to upgrade. ex)Drive : TSSTcorpCD/DVDW SH-W162CTS10 3. You will see three icons on the top from left. If you click the first icon from left, you can see "Investigation window" then open the firmware file that you already downloaded to the temporary folder. 4. You will see the message" Ready" after finding the firmware file that you want. Then click the middle icon on the top of left. Then your firmware will be upgraded automatically. 5. When you finish upgrading firmware , reboot your pc automatically. ¡ØSfdnwin.exe : A program which can make your drive download our firmware(s) in Windows. (It's for only Windows)