Broadcom NetXtreme Firmware Upgrade Tool for Windows Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. Feb 01, 2010 Table of Contents ================= 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Installation 4. Command Usage 5. Exit Codes 6. Examples 7. Scope 8. Disclaimer 9. License 1. Introduction: ================ This utility is a console application. Users could run it from a Windows command prompt. The application will use the console and interact with users. When calling the utility from another process or when using the utility as a command line tool, the utility will take command from parameters return appropriate exit code to indicate result of the command. This module is dependent on device driver and BMAPI module for firmware access. If the calling process do not want Windows to pop up a console window, it could use Windows API to make OS not to pop up the console window. For example, the calling process could use 'CREATE_NO_WINDOW' flag in CreateProcess() API when create the process. 2. Requirements: ================ 1. Driver version 3.28.0 or above. 2. BMAPI version 7.5.12 or above. 3. Installation: ================ 1. On a system with NetXtreme family of NICs, install the driver package using the installer. 2. Copy BMAPI binary (dll) to the same location as winfwupg.exe. 4. Command Usage: ================= Usage: winfwupg [ -all | [service_name | MAC] ] [Commands] The '-all' option applies to 'upgrade' and 'restorenvram' commands only. The service_name/MAC is optional for 'help', 'version', and 'dev' commands, but it is required for all other commands. 1. When '-all' is specified, 'service_name' or 'MAC' cannot be specified. Both 'upgrade' and 'restorenvram' commands will use the device information in the image to apply to all NICs that match the same device ID. 2. On Windows, service_name is the service GUID in the form of {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}, e.g.{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}. It refers to the series of numbers that Windows uses to identify the adapter. This can be obtained based on the value in the registry NetCfgInstanceId string located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\####, where '####' reflects the enumeration number of the Broadcom adapter. 3. 'MAC' is the MAC address name of the NIC in the system. For example, '00:10:18:00:11:99' is a valid MAC address from 'ipconfig' utility. Use '001018001199' as an input parameter to select the NIC. Following is the list of available commands: help : list of available commands q : exit the program cfg : Configure NVRAM dev : select an adapter or List available adapters dir : display file directory in NVRAM crc : check/update NVRAM checksum dumpnvram : save entire NVRAM content to a file prg : Program NVRAM with specified firmware image The 'prg' command is designated to facilitate the manufacture operation. restorenvram: restore entire NVRAM content from a file version : display version of this program upgrade : upgrades the firmware or bootcode -w : Enable/Disable WOL optchk : check OTP content against the specified file. upgrade [-noreset] [-F] {-bc|-mba|-asf|-ipmi|-ump|-mgmt|-ib|-ib_ipv6|-ib_ipv4n6} [-c] [-p] {} [] This command upgrades the firmware or bootcode for the NetXtreme controller. The specifies the name of the file that contains the appropriate image. The specifies the name of the file to which the current NVRAM contents will be saved. If is not specified, the current NVRAM contents will not be saved. Both and are mandatory parameters. If the upgrade version is same or older than the version in NVRAM, upgrade will be aborted. The -noreset option is to skip the driver restart of the selected NIC after the firmware upgrade is completed. This option is only valid in Command Line Mode. The -F option is to force the upgrade without checking version. OPTION NAME OF FIRMWARE OR BOOT IMAGE -bc bootcode -mba MBA (PXE) firmware -ipmi IPMI firmware -ump UMP firmware -asf ASF firmware -mgmt DASH firmware -ib iSCSI boot firmware to support IPv4 -ib_ipv6 iSCSI boot firmware to support IPv6 -ib_ipv4n6 iSCSI boot firmware to support IPv4 and IPv6 The [-c], [-p] option is valid only when "-ib" option is specified. -c upgrade the iSCSI configuration along with iSCSI boot code. The '-ib', '-ib_ipv6', and '-ib_ipv4n6' will add/upgrade the iSCSI configuration automatically. This option does not have effect any more. -p upgrade the iSCSI configuration program along with iSCSI boot code. reset reset the selected NIC. This command is only valid in Command Line Mode. -w {} The function enables or disables WOL settin set to '1' to enable WOL. set to '0' to disable WOL. restorenvram {} [idmatch] [config [mac]] This command reads complete NVRAM image from a file and writes the image to NVRAM. Before writing the NVRAM image to adapter, verifications against source NVRAM image will be performed. If any verification failed, the image will not be written to adapter. is the file name of NVRAM image. is a mandatory parameter. 'idmatch' requests the Firmware Upgrade Tool to restore the NVRAM image only after the 4 IDs (vendor_id, device_id, subsystem_vendor_id, subsystem_device_id) in the image file match those in the device. This is on top of all previous criteria that have to be met. 'config' means configuration area will copy from source image except MAC address. Configuration area includes MAC address and various options. 'mac' applies only when 'config' is specified. When 'mac' is specified, all configuration are copied including MAC address. dumpnvram {} Dumps the NVRAM contents to the specified file. is a mandatory parameter. crc Checks the integrity of the NVRAM CRC, dir Displays a listing of the firmware programmed in NVRAM. dev [] 'number' is the adapter to be selected as target device prg {-bc|-ib|-mba} {} [-c] [-p] This command programs NVRAM with the specified firmware image. -bc : bootcode -ib : iSCSI boot firmware -mba : MBA firmware : a mandatory parameter to specify the input binary file. -c : force to program iSCSI configuration. This option is valid only if '-ib' option is used. -p : force to program iSCSI configuration utility program. This option is valid only if '-ib' option is used. Note: 'prg -bc' command only supports 5722/5723/5754/5755/5756/ 5764/5784/5787/5906 Broadcom adapters. 'prg -ib' command only supports selective Broadcom adapters. 'prg -mba' command only supports selective Broadcom adapters. The image file for the 'prg -bc' command is required to contain ONLY valid bootcode without other firmware directories. The image file for the 'prg -ib' command is required to contain ONLY valid iSCSI boot without other firmware directories. otpchk [-mac] {} This command compare the OTP content to the content of the specified file. By default, it compares all the patches in the OTP and the patches in the specified file. -mac : The compare function will include the MAC address and the configuration. cfg {-mac | -mba | -asf | -ipmi | -ump | -mgmt | -wol | -aspm | -show} This command programs the specified configuration into NVRAM. -mac : is a 12-digit HEX MAC address, e.g. 0010181a2b3c. -mba : set to '1' to enable mba firmware. set to '0' to disable mba firmware. -asf : set to '1' to enable asf firmware. set to '0' to disable asf firmware. -ipmi : set to '1' to enable ipmi firmware. set to '0' to disable ipmi firmware. -ump : set to '1' to enable ump firmware. set to '0' to disable ump firmware. -mgmt : set to '1' to enable management firmware. set to '0' to disable management firmware. -wol : set to '1' to enable wol feature. set to '0' to disable wol feature. -aspm : set to '1' to enable L1 ASPM debounce feature. set to '0' to disable L1 ASPM debounce feature. -show : show the settings of current configuration. 5. Exit Codes: ============== ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return codes #define FWUPG_OK 0 // Upgrade firmware OK #define FWUPG_QUIT 1 // Quit program #define FWUPG_PARAM_ERROR 2 // Not correct parameters #define FWUPG_NOT_CORRECT_TARGET 3 // Not applicable to this device. #define FWUPG_CANNOT_READ_NVRAM 4 // Cannot read NVRAM #define FWUPG_FAILED_GET_NVRAM_SIZE 5 // Cannot get NVRAM size #define FWUPG_CANNOT_GET_HANDLE 6 // Cannot get NIC handle #define FWUPG_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND 7 // Adapter not found #define FWUPG_CANNOT_LOCK_ADAPTER 8 // Cannot lock adapter #define FWUPG_FAILED_GET_PXE_INFO 9 // Failed to get PXE // information #define FWUPG_FAILED_CREATE_NVRAM_IMAGE_FILE 10 // Failed to create NVRAM // image file #define FWUPG_FAILED_WRITE_NVRAM_IMAGE_FILE 11 // Failed to write to // NVRAM image file #define FWUPG_GET_CLOSE_EVENT 12 // Get close event #define FWUPG_FAILED_READ_NVRAM_FILE 13 // Failed to read NVRAM // image file #define FWUPG_INIT_FAILED 14 // Initialization failed #define FWUPG_UNSUPPORTED_BMAPI_VER 15 // BMAPI is too old #define FWUPG_NIC_NOT_SUPPORTED 16 // NIC is not supported #define FWUPG_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 17 // Unknown command #define FWUPG_NVRAM_WRITE_FAILED 18 // NVRAM update failed #define FWUPG_WRONG_NVRAM_FILE_SIZE 19 // NVRAM image file size #define FWUPG_NVRAM_IMAGE_CHKSUM_FAILED 20 // NVRAM image file // checksum failed #define FWUPG_NVRAM_CHKSUM_FAILED 21 // NVRAM checksum failed #define FWUPG_NVRAM_IMAGE_FILE_DEVID_MISMATCH 22 // device information or media // type in NVRAM image file // does not match NIC #define FWUPG_ASF_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_BOOTCODE 23 // ASF is not supported by // the bootcode firmware #define FWUPG_ASF_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_NIC 24 // ASF is not supported by // the NIC hardware #define FWUPG_DIR_FULL 25 // No NVRAM directory entry // available #define FWUPG_INVALID_NVRAM_FILE 26 // Incorrect NVRAM file // format #define FWUPG_NVRAM_FULL 27 // not enough NVRAM space #define FWUPG_DIR_NOT_SUPPORTED 28 // Directory is not // supported by bootcode #define FWUPG_NVRAM_CORRUPTED 29 // NVRAM corrupted #define FWUPG_DIR_NOT_FOUND 30 // a directory entry is // not found #define FWUPG_DIR_UPDATE_FAILED 31 // Update NVRAM directory // failed #define FWUPG_DIR_FOUND 32 // a directory entry is // found #define FWUPG_CANNOT_READ_MEM 33 // Cannot read NIC register // or memory #define FWUPG_MALLOC_ERROR 34 // memory allocation error #define FWUPG_FW_IMAGE_WRONG_VERSION 35 // wrong version of // firmware image #define FWUPG_FW_IMAGE_INVALID_ASF 36 // invalid asf image #define FWUPG_READ_NIC_ASF_TABLE_FAILED 37 // failed to read ASF table // from NIC #define FWUPG_UNSUPPORTED_NIC_ASF_TABLE 38 // version of ASF table on // NIC is not supported #define FWUPG_REBOOT_FAILED 39 // unable to reboot machine #define FWUPG_NOT_SUPPORTED_DRIVER 40 // the version of driver is // too old #define FWUPG_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED 41 // driver is not loaded #define FWUPG_FILE_TOO_BIG 42 // file is too big #define FWUPG_CANNOT_WRITE_MEM 43 // Cannot write NIC // register or memory #define FWUPG_MGMT_FW_NOT_FOUND 44 // Cannot find management // firmware #define FWUPG_UMP_FOUND 45 // UMP firmware exist #define FWUPG_FAILED_TO_GET_VERINFO 46 // failed to get module // version info #define FWUPG_ERR_ENDOFFILE 47 // unexpected end of file // encountered. #define FWUPG_INVALID_MEDIUM_TYPE 48 // The chip has an unknown // medium type. Neither the // board is copper nor // serdes. #define FWUPG_INVALID_OFFSET 49 // invalid NVRAM offset. #define FWUPG_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS 50 // output file already // exists. #define FWUPG_NON_SELFBOOT_IMAGE 51 // Not a selfboot image. #define FWUPG_BAD_MAGIC_VALUE 52 // Bad magic value #define FWUPG_BAD_PARITY_VALUE 53 // Bad parity value #define FWUPG_BAD_VPD_CHKSUM 54 // Bad VPD checksum #define FWUPG_BAD_CHIP_REV 55 // Bad chip revision #define FWUPG_VPD_DATA_MISSING 56 // VPD data missing #define FWUPG_NO_SELFBOOT 57 // target not self boot // capable #define FWUPG_LEGACY_TO_SELFBOOT 58 // Cannot upgrade firmware // from legacy to selfboot. #define FWUPG_ZERO_SELFBOOT 59 // upgfrm does not support // Format 0 Selfboot image // upgrade #define FWUPG_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE 60 // Feature not supported. #define FWUPG_DIAG_FAILURE 61 // diag failure #define FWUPG_NO_BRCM_ADAPTER 62 // No Broadcom network // adapter found! #define FWUPG_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 63 // File does not exist #define FWUPG_UMP_NOT_SUPPORTED 64 // ump not supported #define FWUPG_MISSING_UMP 65 // UMP config firmware is // not loaded in NVRAM #define FWUPG_CFG_VER_MISMATCH 66 // UMP config version // mismatch #define FWUPG_INVALID_ISCSI_IMAGE 67 // invalid ISCSI image #define FWUPG_INVALID_UMP_IMAGE 68 // invalid UMP image #define FWUPG_INVALID_MBA_IMAGE 69 // invalid MBA image #define FWUPG_PRG_FAILED 70 // programming NVRAM failed #define FWUPG_BOOTSTRAP_UPDATE_FAILED 71 // bootstrap update failed #define FWUPG_CMD_ALL_NOT_SUPPORTED 72 // '-all' option is not // supported in this context #define FWUPG_UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM 73 // Feature not supported on // this platform #define FWUPG_MAC_PARAM_ERROR 74 // Cannot override MAC on // multiple NICs. #define FWUPG_INVALID_BOOTCODE 75 // Not a valid bootcode file #define FWUPG_INVALID_IPMI_FILE 76 // Not a valid ipmi file #define FWUPG_INVALID_DUMP 77 // Invalid dump file. #define FWUPG_INVALID_FORMAT 78 // Invalid image/file format. #define FWUPG_DIR_ENTRY_MISMATCH 80 // Mismatch in directory entries #define FWUPG_MBA_MISMATCH 81 // MBA directory entry mismatch #define FWUPG_UMP_MISMATCH 82 // UMP directory entry mismatch #define FWUPG_IPMI_MISMATCH 83 // IPMI directory entry mismatch #define FWUPG_ISCSI_MISMATCH 84 // ISCSI directory entry mismatch #define FWUPG_ASF_MISMATCH 85 // ASF directory entry mismatch #define FWUPG_ISCSI_NOT_SUPPORTED 86 // ISCSI is not supported. #define FWUPG_SPECIAL_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 87 // Special upgrade is required. #define FWUPG_MISSING_CMD 88 // No valid command was specified. #define FWUPG_RESERVE1 89 // Reserved message holder. #define FWUPG_RESERVE2 90 // Reserved message holder. #define FWUPG_MISSING_ASF 91 // ASF config firmware is // not loaded in NVRAM #define FWUPG_MISSING_IPMI 92 // IPMI config firmware is // not loaded in NVRAM #define FWUPG_MISSING_MBA 93 // MBA config firmware is // not loaded in NVRAM #define FWUPG_NO_DEV_ID 94 // No device ID in NVRAM image file #define FWUPG_SYSTEM_REBOOT 95 // System Reboot required #define FWUPG_INVALID_NCSI_IMAGE 96 // invalid NCSI image #define FWUPG_MISSING_MGMT_FW 97 // Missing management firmware in NVRAM #define FWUPG_INVALID_PHY_IMAGE 98 // Invalid PHY firmware file. #define FWUPG_DRIVER_COMMUNICATE_ERROR 99 // Error in communicating to driver #define FWUPG_FW_EXISTING_IN_NVRAM 100 // The firmware to be programmed is existing in NVRAM #define FWUPG_FAIL_TO_GET_MAC_ADDR 101 // Failed to read MAC ADDR from the file #define FWUPG_MGMTFW_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_NIC 102 // Management firmware is not supported by the NIC #define FWUPG_IMAGE_FILE_CRC_ERROR 103 // Image file CRC error #define FWUPG_IMAGE_FILE_SIG_ERROR 103 // Image file RSA signature error #define FWUPG_INVALID_L2T_IMAGE 104 // invalid L2T image #define FWUPG_CMD_ABORTED 105 // Command aborted #define FWUPG_PHY_FW_CORRUPTED 106 // PHY firmware corrupted #define FWUPG_UNKNOWN_EXT_PHY 107 // Unknown external PHY #define FWUPG_CANNOT_UPGRADE_TO_DIFF_FORMAT 108 // Can't upgrade to a different format #define FWUPG_CANNOT_READ_OTP 109 // Can't read to OTP #define FWUPG_CANNOT_WRITE_OTP 110 // Can't write to OTP #define FWUPG_FAIL_TO_CREATE_EXT_DIR_ENTRY 111 // Failed to create Extended Directory entry #define FWUPG_INVALID_BOOTCODE_IMAGE 112 // invalid Bootcode image #define FWUPG_INVALID_IO_MODULE_IMAGE 113 // Invalid I/O Module file. #define FWUPG_NCSI_MISMATCH 114 // NCSI directory entry mismatch 6. Examples: ============== Note: The 'restorenvram' and 'upgrade' commands shall perform successfully for the specified adapter meeting ALL the following conditions: 1) The device information of the adapter matches that in the image file. 2) The adapter currently supports the requested target firmware. 6.1 Command Line Mode Examples: ******************************* 'WinFWUpg' will enter interactive mode. 'WinFwUpg upgrade -bc C:/tmp/new_bootcode c:\\oldBoot' will upgrade bootcode for the ONLY qualified adapter found. The adapter parameter can be omitted if ONLY ONE qualified adapter is found. 'WinFwUpg 001018001199 upgrade -mba b57mmbae.nic c:\\backup\\oldPXE.bin' will upgrade PXE for the adapter with MAC 00:10:18:00:11:99. 'WinFWUpg {8580CDDC-961B-4829-A80C-478D22DB7B3E} upgrade -F -asf asfv55 old_image' will upgrade ASF for the adapter with the specified GUID. 'WinFWUpg -all upgrade -ipmi pt5714h6.20 c:/backup/saveIPMI' will upgrade for all the qualified BRCM 5714/15/80 adapters that currently support IPMI. When multiple applicable adapters are present, the MAC address of the adapter is appended to the backup NVRAM image parameter filename 'WinFWUpg -all upgrade -F -ump c:/tmp/ump114 backupUMP' will force a downgrade for all the BRCM 5714/15/80 adapters with existing UMP support. When multiple applicable adapters are present, the MAC address of the adapter is appended to the backup NVRAM image parameter filename. 'WinFWupg -all restorenvram "c:/Documents and Settings/backup.bin" config' reads a complete NVRAM image from file 'backup.bin' and write the image to NVRAM along with its configurations. If 'config' parameter is left out, only the image is written. This will only restore NVRAM images to those with matching FW, with the exception to variations in version numbers. 'WinFwUpg prg -bc C:/tmp/fresh_bootcode' will program bootcode for the ONLY qualified adapter found. The adapter parameter can be omitted if ONLY ONE qualified adapter is found. 'WinFwUpg 0010181a1b1c cfg -mac 0010189d9e9f' will configure the selected adapter whose current MAC address is 00:10:18:1a:1b:1c to be the new MAC address 00:10:18:9d:9e:9f. 'WinFwUpg 0010189a9b9c cfg -asf 1' will enable asf firmware if the asf firmware is present in the selected adapter whose current MAC address is 00:10:18:9a:9b:9c. 6.2 Interactive Mode Examples: ******************************* 'help' will display a list and descriptions of available commands. 'q' will exit the utility. 'dev' will display a list of upgradeable devices. 'dev 0' will select device 0. 'dir' will display a listing of the firmware programmed in NVRAM. 'crc' will check the integrity of the NVRAM CRC. 'dumpnvram c:\backup.bin config mac' will include all configurations including the MAC address and saves the dump file to the c drive. 'restorenvram "c:\Document and Settings\backup.bin" config mac' will include all configurations including the MAC address. In order to verify the MAC address was configured, exiting the program will be necessary followed by either disabling and enabling the adapter or rebooting the system. 'upgrade -bc ee5755c3.19 backup5755.bin' will upgrade the boot code for a BRCM 5755 adapter. 'version' will display the version of Firmware Upgrade utility. '-w 1' will enable the WOL setting on the current adapter. 'prg -bc C:/tmp/new_bootcode" will program a blank NVRAM or overwrite NVRAM with the specified bootcode. 'cfg -mac 0010181a2b3c" will configure MAC address for the selected qualified adapter. 'cfg -ump 0' will disable ump firmware if the ump firmware is present in the selected adapter. Examples for Deprecated Commands: ********************************* Note: These deprecated commands are kept to be backward compatible with earlier releases. 'seprg -a a25755c7.09 backupASF.bin' will upgrade/program ASF on a 5754/5755/5786/5787. If no save_image parameter is specified, ASF will be upgraded without a backup NVRAM image. 'asfprg asfe5ini.bin asfe5cpa.bin asfe5cpb.bin' will upgrade asf on a 5705 adapter. If no parameters are specified after 'asfprg' it will automatically search within the same location as winfwupg.exe for the files. 'log log.txt' will create a text file 'log.txt' which will capture all output and entered input. 7. Scope: ============== Supported Operating Systems - Windows 98 SE - Windows ME - Windows NT 4.0 SP6a - Windows 2000 SP4 - Windows XP SP2 (IA-32, EM64T, AMD64) - Windows Server 2003 SP1 (IA-32, EM64T, AMD64) - Windows Server 2003 SNP - Windows Vista (IA-32, EM64T, AMD64) - Windows Server 2008 - Windows 7 - Windows Preinstallation Environment (limited support). For Windows PE, only the following commands are supported: 'prg', 'cfg', 'dir', 'dev', and 'crc'. ******************** # Notes: # ******************** - 'prg' command only supports 5722/5723/5754/5755/5756/5764/5784/5787/5906 Broadcom adapters. The image file for the 'prg' command is required to contain ONLY valid bootcode without other firmware directories. - Considerations for Windows Vista: ********************************* Administrative privileges are still required in order to run the utility under Windows Vista. However, when the user is other than the local Administrator, the location for the backup file should not be in a secure location as defined by the User Account Control feature ( An example of a secured location includes, but is not limited to, the root of the system drive). Otherwise, the User Account feature must be disabled in order for the utility to function correctly and save the backup file to the desired secure location. 8. Disclaimer: ================ This version of the Windows Firmware Upgrade Utility has been validated only against the software component versions specified in the swdep.txt file. The Firmware Upgrade utility has not been qualified with other versions of the software components. Using other software component version combinations has the potential to corrupt your NVRAM, resulting in an unusable network controller. For this reason, Broadcom recommends that the software component versions listed in the swdep.txt file be used whenever possible. 9. License: =========== Portions of this software contain third party code subject to the following conditions: OpenSSL /* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this * software must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (" * * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the OpenSSL Project. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young * ( This product includes software written by Tim * Hudson ( * */ Original SSLeay License ----------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ( * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young ( * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson ( * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young (" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-). * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */