============================ R E L E A S E N O T E S ============================ Broadcom Network Controller Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows 2008 Server 32bit/64 bit, Windows Vista 32/64 bit, Windows 2000 32/64 bit, XP 32/64 bit, 2003 Server 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Broadcom Corporation All rights reserved. Feb 26, 2010 Version 7.0.25 (Feb 26, 2010) ----------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ46203 The FwUpg tool failed to program BCM57780 NIC with blank OTP. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not write the signature into OTP when it was originally blank. Change: The FwUpg tool will write the signature into OTP in 'prg' command. Impact: 'prg' command for BCM57760/80/90 NIC. 2. Problem: CQ46204 The '-w ' command failed to set the WOL value for BCM57765 NIC. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not implement the '-w' command correctly for BCM57765 NIC. Change: The FwUpg tool will process the '-w command correctly. Impact: '-w ' command for BCM57765/85/95 NIC. Version 7.0.24 (Feb 24, 2010) ----------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ46129 The FwUpg tool failed to set WOL for BCM57780 NIC. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not pass the correct value to driver in setting the WOL for BCM57780 NIC. Change: The FwUpg tool passes correct value to driver to set the WOL for BCM57780 NIC. Impact: 'cfg -wol ' command for BCM57760/80/90 NIC. Version 7.0.23 (Feb 12, 2010) ----------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ45704 The FwUpg tool can't upgrade ASF firmware for BCM57765 NIC. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not check the device type correctly for the BCM57765 NIC when upgrading the ASF firmware. Change: The FwUpg tool checks the device type correctly for the BCM57765 NIC when upgrading the ASF firmware. Impact: 'upgrade -asf' command for BCM57765 NIC. 2. Problem: CQ45727 The FwUpg tool can't program/upgrade OTP bootcode for BCM57780 NIC. Cause: The revision of the OTP image file was not retrieved correctly and the FwUpg tool does not allow the operation to continue. Change: The revision of the OTP image file is now retrieved correctly and the command can be completed. Impact: 'upgrade -bc ' command for BCM57780. 3. Problem: CQ45728 The 'otpchk ' command did not work correctly for BCM57780 NIC. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not retrieve the OTP content of BCM57780 correctly and issue an error for the command. Change: The FwUpg tool retrieves the OTP content of BCM57780 correctly and compares the content to the file. Impact: 'otpchk ' command for BCM57780 NIC. Version 7.0.22 (Feb 03, 2010) ----------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ45616 The FwUpg tool can't write OTP of BCM57765 NIC. Cause: The 'Write OTP' function was disabled accidentally. Change: The 'Write OPT' function was enabled. Impact: All commands to write OTP. Version 7.0.21 (Feb 01, 2010) ----------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support to BCM57761/65/81/85/91/95 NICs. Change: Added support to BCM57761/65/81/85/91/95 NICs. Impact: All commands for BCM57761/65/81/85/91/95 NICs. Note: BMAPI v7.17.17 is required for BCM57761/65/81/85/91/95 NICs support. Version 7.0.20 (Jan 05, 2010) ----------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ44783 The FwUpg tool should return an error code if the driver failed to suspend the adapter after upgrade firmware in the command line mode. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not return the error code when running in the command line mode. Change: The FwUpg tool returns an error code if the driver failed to suspend the adapter when running in the command line mode. Impact: The 'upgrade' command for all NX1 NICs. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ45137 Added support to Combo MBA image file. Change: Added support to Combo MBA image file. Impact: 'upgrade -mba' command. Version 7.0.19 (Jul 10, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ41825 The FwUpg tool will corrupt the extended directory after upgrading to the bootcode that is larger than the current one. Cause: The function that used for upgrade bootcode didn't support the extended directory entries. Change: Added the extended directory support in the function. Impact: The 'upgrade -bc' command for BCM5761 NIC with extended directory entry. Version 7.0.18 (Jul 08, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ41651 The dump file of FwUpg tool should have the same format used by the released selfboot image. Change: The dump file of FwUpg has the same format used by the released selfboot image. Impact: 'dump' and 'restore' command for selfboot image. Version 7.0.17 (Jul 02, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ42338 The FwUpg tool can't upgrade iSCSI bootcode for BCM5761 if there is an extended directory. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not process the extended directory correctly when calculating the free space for iSCSI bootcode. Change: The FwUpg tool does process the extended directory correctly and can calculate the free space for iSCSI bootcode. Impact: The BCM5761 NIC. 2. Problem: CQ42335 The FwUpg tool can't prg/upg selfboot firmware for BCM5785 with AC131 PHY. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not validate the BCM5785 with AC131 PHY and the provided selfboot image file correctly. Change: The FwUpg tool can validate the BCM5785 with AC131 PHY and the selfboot image file correctly now. Impact: The BCM5785 NIC with AC131 PHY. Version 7.0.16 (Jun 26, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ42238 The FwUpg tool can't detect the BCM5785 NIC. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not support BCM5785 NIC. Change: The FwUpg tool does support BCM5785 NIC now. Impact: The BCM5785 NIC. 2. Problem: CQ42175 The FwUpg tool can't use '-ib_ipv6' or 'ib_ipv4n6' option in the upgrade command with '-all' option in the command line mode. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not recognize the '-ib_ipv6' or '-ib_ipv4n6' option in the upgrade command with '-all' option. Change: The FwUpg tool support the '-ib_ipv6' or 'ib_ipv4n6' option in the upgrade command with '-all' option. Impact: The 'upgrade -ib_ipv6' with '-all' option in command line mode. Version 7.0.15 (Jun 17, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support to upgrade iSCSI bootcode with Ipv4, IPv6, or both. Change: Added support to upgrade iSCSI bootcode with Ipv4, IPv6, or both. Impact: 'upgrade -ib|-ib_ipv6|-ib_ipv4n6' command. Version 7.0.14 (May 29, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ41448 The FwUpg tool can't display version of iSCSI CONFIG. Cause: The FwUpg tool was not implemented to display the version of iSCSI CONFIG. Change: The FwUpg tool is implemented to display the version of iSCSI CONFIG. Impact: The "dir" command for all NX1 NICs. 2. Problem: CQ41511 The FwUpg tool can't prg/upg OTP under Windows 7 64-bit system. Cause: The FwUpg tool has a bug when trying to release an allocated buffer during prg/upg OTP content. Change: The FwUpg tool can now release the allocated buffer correctly. Impact: The "prg/upgrade" command for OTP. Version 7.0.13 (May 22, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40222 The FwUpg tool can't use '-all' to upgrade DASH firmware for BCM5761S. Cause: The '-all' option was not processed correctly for the DASH firmware upgrade. Change: The '-all' option is now processed correctly for the DASH firmware upgrade. Impact: The "-all upgrade" command for BCM5761S NIC. 2. Problem: CQ39902 The FwUpg tool can't prg bootcode for BCM5761S. The error message is "feature not supported". Cause: The BCM5761/5761E/5761S was not allowed for the 'prg -bc' command previously. Change: The 'prg -bc' command is now allowed for the BCM5761/5761E/5761S NICs. Impact: The "prg -bc" command for BCM5761/5761E/5761S NICs. Version 7.0.12 (May 21, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support to BCM57788. Change: Added support to BCM57788. Impact: BCM57788 NIC. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ39981 The FwUpg tool can't restorenvram for BCM5761S. Cause: The BCM5761S was not supported previously. Change: The BCM5761S is now supported. Impact: The "restorenvram" command for BCM5761S NIC. 2. Problem: CQ39976 The FwUpg tool can't upgrade bootcode for BCM5761S. Cause: The BCM5761S was not supported previously. Change: The BCM5761S is now supported. Impact: The "restorenvram" command for BCM5761S NIC. 3. Problem: CQ40222 The FwUpg tool can't use '-all' to upgrade DASH firmware for BCM5761S. Cause: The BCM5761S was not supported previously. Change: The BCM5761S is now supported. Impact: The "-all upgrade" command for BCM5761S NIC. 4. Problem: CQ39902 The FwUpg tool can't prg bootcode for BCM5761S. The error message is "feature not supported". Cause: The BCM5761S was not supported previously. Change: The BCM5761S is now supported. Impact: The "prg" command for BCM5761S NIC. Version 7.0.11 (Apr 28, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40759 The "cfg -show" command will display the config information twice for BCM57780 with selfboot code in the NVRAM. Cause: The FwUpg did not process the command correctly. It displayed the selfboot config information and the non-OTP config information. Change: The FwUpg process the command to display only the selfboot config information now. Impact: The "cfg -show" command for BCM57760/57780/57790 with selfboot code in the NVRAM. 2. Problem: CQ40760 The FwUpg tool could not retrieve the selfboot code version in the OTP after upgrading test for the latest chip. Cause: The FwUpg wrote more data into OTP than allowed and caused the selfboot code version to be lost. Change: The FwUpg will not upgrade the selfboot patches into OTP if there's not enough room. Impact: The "upgrade" command for BCM57760/57780/57790 with OTP configuration for the latest chip. Version 7.0.10 (Apr 21, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40668 The FwUpg displayed "Can't set select adapter" when using the latest NIC with empty OTP content. Cause: The FwUpg failed to get the minor version for the latest NIC with empty OTP during setting the select adapter. Change: The FwUpg will get the minor version for the latest NIC using a different method. Impact: The latest version of BCM57760/57780/57790 with empty OTP content. Version 7.0.9 (Apr 16, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40517 The "prg -bc" command displayed "error messages" for BCM57760/80/90 using NVRAM, but the "prg" command was working. Cause: The FwUpg tool try to compare the OTP content to the bootcode image file. Since the NIC was using NVRAM, it caused the error messages. The "prg" operation was actually completed. Change: The FwUpg tool will only check the OTP content against the bootcode file if the NIC is using OTP. Impact: The "prg -bc" command for BCM57760/57780/57790 using NVRAM/EEPROM. 2. Problem: CQ40550 The "upgrade" command will fail if the patches in the bootcode file took up the whole OTP space. Cause: The last word of the OTP was not accessed correctly by the FwUpg tool and caused the program to exit. Change: The FwUpg tool now can access the last word of the OTP correctly. Impact: The "prg/upgrade -bc" commands that will take up the whole OTP space on the BCM57760/57780/57790. Version 7.0.8 (Apr 10, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: The "dumpnvram" command caused a "Unknown input problem!" error and exit the program. Cause: A bug was injected in version 7.0.7 that caused the "write to file" function to fail in the "dumpnvram" command. Change: The buffer passed to the "write to file" function is changed and the "dumpnvram" command can complete without problem. Impact: The "dumpnvram" command for BCM57760/57780/57790 using OTP. All OTP operations should also be tested on BCM57760/80/90. Version 7.0.7 (Apr 09, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40321 The "upgrade" command used to upgrade/downgrade the OTP selfboot for BCM57780 will not be able to upgrade the Selfboot from 2.04 to 2.05 after 12 times. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not handle the version number correctly when it was stored in a specific location in the OTP with a specific pattern. Change: The FwUpg tool now can handle the version number correctly and update it in the specific location. Impact: The "upgrade" command was done in more than 10 times between different version on BCM57760/57780/57790. 2. Problem: CQ40387 The "prg -bc" command will fail on a blank OTP. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not handle the OTP data correctly when they are blank. Change: The FwUpg tool now can handle the blank OTP data correctly. Impact: The "prg -bc" on a blank OTP on BCM57760/57780/57790. 3. Problem: The "-w 1" command does not work on NIC using OTP. Cause: The command was not implemented correctly for OTP. Change: The command is implemented for OTP. Impact: The "-w 1/0" on NIC using OTP. Version 7.0.6 (Apr 03, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ39697 Add a command to check the OTP content against the content of a specified file. Change: The "otpchk" command was added to compare the OTP content against the content of the specified file. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters with OTP configuration. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ40321 The "upgrade" command used to upgrade/downgrade the OTP selfboot for BCM57780 will cause the version number to be unknown after 5 times between v2.04 and v2.05. Cause: The version number was not written to the correct location in the OTP. Change: The version number is now written to the correct location in the OTP. Impact: The "upgrade" command was done in a few times between different version. Version 7.0.5 (Mar 27, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ39861 The "prg -bc" command displayed the "directory checksum error" before programming the bootcode file if the NVRAM contains invalid data. Cause: The directory checksum was not validated correctly if the NVRAM contains invalid data in the directory region. Change: The directory checksum of the bootcode file will be validated instead of the one in NVRAM. Impact: The "prg" command for any adapter with NVRAM that contains invalid data in the directory region. 2. Problem: CQ39881 The "upgrade -ib" command does not work for the BCM57760 adapter. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not include the BCM57760 adapter into the iSCSI-capable NIC list. Change: Add the BCM57760 into the iSCSI-capable NIC list. Impact: The "upgrade -ib" command for BCM57760 NIC. 3. Problem: CQ39925 The "sechk" command failed in b57diag after using "prg/upgrade" command to prg/upgrade the firmware on BCM57760 with AT flash. Cause: The FwUpg tool did not detect the AT flash correctly and would write the wrong bootcode information into the NVRAM. Change: The FwUpg tool can detect the AT flash used by BCM57760 correctly and the firmware is programmed/upgraded without error. Impact: The "upgrade -ib" command for BCM57760 NIC. 4. Problem: CQ40130 The "upgrade -asf" command does not work for BCM57760 with bootcode, ASF firmware, iSCSI boot, and PXE. The FwUpg failed to find space for the ASF Init firmware. Cause: The FwUpg tool could not find the space due to a bug in the algorithm to find the free space in the NVRAM. Change: The bug is corrected and the algorithm can find and allocated the free space to upgrade the ASF Init firmware. Impact: The "upgrade -asf" command for BCM57760 NIC. Version 7.0.4 (Mar 18, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support Extended Directory for BCM5761 adapters. Change: Support Extended Directory for BCM5761 adapters. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ35888 The "dir" command did not display the "APE Web Data" entry in the directory. Cause: The "APE Web Data" type was not recognized by FwUpg tool. Change: The "APE Web Data" entry in the directory will be displayed by FwUpg tool. Impact: The "dir" command for BCM5761 adapter. Version 7.0.3 (Mar 10, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ39874 The "upgrade -bc" command will display "Device infomation from image file does not match NIC!" error message for BCM57790. Cause: The FwUpg did not get the correct device ID from NIC and caused the device ID validation to fail. Change: The FwUpg now gets the correct device ID from NIC and the device ID validation is correct. Impact: The "prg/upgrade" command for BCM57760/57780/57790. Version 7.0.2 (Mar 09, 2009) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ39826 The "dir" command can't display the ASF Init version string correctly for BCM57760. Cause: The FwUpg utility did not get the ASF Init vesion string from the correct location in NVRAM. Change: The FwUpg utility gets the ASF Init vesion string from the correct location in NVRAM. Impact: The "dir" command for BCM57760 with ASF Init. 2. Problem: CQ39830 The "upgrade" command allow incorrect selfboot image file to be upgraded into NVRAM for BCM57790. Cause: The FwUpg utility did not validate the device ID in the image file against the device. Change: The FwUpg utility will validate the device ID in the image file against the device. Impact: The "upgrade" command for BCM57760/57780/57790. 3. Problem: CQ39797 The "prg" command allow legacy image file to be programmed into NVRAM that has selfboot bootcode for BCM57790. Cause: The FwUpg utility did not validate the bootcode format between image file and NVRAM for the "prg". Change: The FwUpg utility validates the bootcode format between image file and NVRAM for the "prg". The legacy bootcode and selfboot can't be switched with the "prg" command. Impact: The "prg" command for all NetXtreme I adapters. Version 7.0.1 (Feb 26, 2009) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support BCM57760/57780/57790 adapters. Change: Support BCM57760/57780/57790 adapters. Impact: BCM57760/57780/57790 adapters. Version 6.0.63 (Sep 12, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ35736 The "upgrade -ipmi" command does not work for the BCM5723 NIC. Cause: The version string in the new IPMI image file for BCM5723 was "IPMILITE" instead of "ASFIPMI" and that caused the image file can't be recognized by the FWUPG utility. Change: Both "ASFIPMI" and "IPMILITE" are used by FWUPG utility to validate the IPMI image file. Impact: The "upgrade -ipmi" command with new IPMI image file. 2. Problem: CQ37257 The FWUPG utility remove padding from APE firmware in the NVRAM. Cause: The FWUPG utility use the size of APE firmware file instead of preserving the original APE firmware size in the NVRAM when processing the upgrade command. Change: The FWUPG utility will preserve the NVRAM APE firmware size if it's larger than the size of APE firmware file. Impact: The "upgrade -mgmt" command with smaller APE firmware file. Version 6.0.62 (Aug 01, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: The "upgrade -ib -p" command does not work in the command line mode with "-all" option. Cause: The "upgrade -ib -p" command with the "-all" option in the command line mode was not correctly processed. Change: The "upgrade -ib -p" command with the "-all" option in the command line mode is now processed correctly. Impact: The "-all upgrade -ib" command in command line mode for all NetXtreme NICs. 2. Problem: Same version upgrade for iSCSI boot code did not return error. Cause: The current iSCSI boot code version was not retrieved correctly when the iSCSI Config Program was present in the NVRAM. Change: The current iSCSI boot code version is retrieved correctly even when the iSCSI Config Program was present in the NVRAM. Impact: The "upgrade -ib" command for all NetXtreme NICs. Version 6.0.61 (Jul 30, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ36543 The "upgrade -ib" command does not upgrade the iSCSI Configration Program from the iSCSI image file. Cause: The "upgrade -ib" command was originally designed to upgrade the iSCSI boot code only. Change: The "upgrade -ib" command will have additional options "-c" and "-p" to upgrade the iSCSI Configuration and the iSCSI Configuration Program if they exist. Impact: The "upgrade -ib" command for all NetXtreme NICs. 2. Problem: CQ36104 The returned error code for "upgrade" command was not correct for BCM5761. Cause: The error code was lost when processing the "upgrade" command for BCM5761. Change: The error code was preserved and returned when processing the "upgrade" command. Impact: The "upgrade" command for BCM5761. Version 6.0.60 (Jun 27, 2008) ----------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Suspended the APE while upgrading the firmware in the NVRAM. Change: Suspended the APE while upgrading the firmware in the NVRAM. Impact: BCM5761-based adapter. Version 6.0.59 (Jun 03, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ35384 The "idmatch" option for "restorenvram" does not check the subsystem device ID correctly. Cause: The FWUPG did not check the subsystem device ID correctly when the "idmatch" option is specified. Change: The FWUPG now checks the subsystem device ID correctly when the "idmatch" option is specified. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. 2. Problem: CQ35396 Attempting to upgrade the selfboot code for several 5764m adapters with the "-all" results in "No supported NIC found" error. It only occurred to selfboot NICs. Cause: The FWUPG did not handle the revision of the seltboot code correctly and it caused that all the NICs were excluded. Change: The FWUPG now handle the revision of the selfboot code correctly and all the qualified NICs will be selected and upgraded. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters with software selfboot code. Version 6.0.58 (May 21, 2008) ----------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ35023 Added capability to upgrade DASH firmware. Change: Added capability to upgrade DASH firmware. Impact: "upgrade" command for BCM5761 adapter. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ32256 Unable to save a dump file if the file name is the same as an existing file folder. Cause: The FWUPG tool did not check the file name against the existing file folder. Change: The FWUPG tool checks the file name against the existing file folder and displays an error message. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.57 (Apr 22, 2008) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ34446 Added capability to program MBA firmware for some adapters. Change: Added capability to program MBA firmware for some adapters. Impact: "prg" command for some specific adapters. Version 6.0.56 (Mar 31, 2008) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33942 Support BCM5723 adapter. Change: Added code to support BCM5723 adapter. Impact: BCM5723 adapter. Version 6.0.55 (Mar 06, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ33992 The "Failed to read NVRAM" error was displayed by FWUPG when "dir" command was issued at the first time. The subsequent "dir" command did not display the error. Cause: The error message was displayed when FWUPG tried to determine the NVRAM size. This was done when the first "dir" commmand was issued. Change: There is no error encountered and the error message is removed. Impact: BCM5764/BCM5784 adapters. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support BCM5761 adapter. Change: Added code to support BCM5761 adapter. Impact: BCM5761 adapter. Version 6.0.54 (Feb 14, 2008) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ33619 The "upgrade -mba" command can not upgrade the PXE from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 for BCM5701. Cause: The PXE image file for 3.2.2 does not have a configuration bit set that was introduced in version 8.2.0. The FWUPG returns error if the configuration bit is not set in the PXE image file. Change: The FWUPG will return error only if the configuration bit is not set in the PXE image file and the PXE image file is v8.2.0 or later. Impact: The "upgrade -mba" command with PXE image file that was released before v8.2.0. Version 6.0.53 (Jan 23, 2008) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ33594 Update the Release.txt to comply requirements. Change: The Release.txt is updated to comply requirements. Impact: None. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: The version string for ASF Init firmware is not displayed correctly for BCM5764M NIC. Cause: The BCM5764M version string was not processed correctly to display on the adapter list. Change: The BCM5764M version string is now processed correctly to display on the adapter list. Impact: The "dir" command for BCM5764-based adapter. Version 6.0.52 (Jan 18, 2008) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support for BCM5764M/BCM5784M NIC. Change: Added support for BCM5764M/BCM5784M NIC. Impact: BCM5764M-based and BCM5784M-based adapters. Version 6.0.51 (Nov 30, 2007) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ32600 FWUPG tool overwrites the iSCSI configuration data when restoring NVRAM data from an image file without the user specifying to do so. Cause: The FWUPG tool overwrites the iSCSI configuration data without checking the "config" option in the "restorenvram" command. Change: The FWUPG tool will preserve the iSCSI configuration data if the "config" option in the "restorenvram" command is not specified. Impact: The "restorenvram" command. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ32612 Allow image file to be restored to the NVRAM with larger size. Previously, the size of the image file has to be the same as the size of NVRAM. Change: Allow image file to be restored to the NVRAM with larger size. Impact: The "restorenvram" command. Version 6.0.50 (Nov 08, 2007) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ25942 Make the commands and options for FWUPG utility to be case sensitive. However, the MAC address to identify the adapter in the "Command line mode" command should be case insensitive. Cause: The case sensitive restriction of MAC address was inposed in Release v6.0.48. Change: The commands and options for FWUPG utility is case sensitive. The MAC address to identify the adapter in the "Command line mode" command is case insensitive. Impact: All commands in "Command line mode" with MAC address for NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.49 (Oct 30, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ27858 Added an option in "cfg" command to display the settings of current configuration. Change: The "-show" option is added to the "cfg" command. Impact: The "cfg" command for NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.48 (Oct 29, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ25942 Make the commands and options for FWUPG utility to be case sensitive. Change: The commands and options for FWUPG utility is case sensitive. Impact: All commands and options for NetXtreme adapters. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ26241 When "double quote" was used to specify the file path in the Interactive mode, the FWUPG utility could not process it correctly. This feature does work in the Command line mode. Cause: The "double quote" was handled by the Windows Command Shell in the Command line mode before the file path was passed to the FWUPG utility. In the Interactive mode, the FWUPG utility did not handle the "double quote" correctly. Change: The FWUPG utility will handle the "double quote" character used in the file path in the Interactive mode. Impact: All commands with "double quote" in the file path. Version 6.0.47 (June 27, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ29609 Add the ability to configure the 'L1 ASPM debounce' feature. Change: The feature is added in 'cfg' command. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters that support 'L1 ASPM debounce' feature. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ26904 'winfwupg -all upgrade -F ump ' returned an error if a non-UMP device was present as device 0 in FWUPG utility. Cause: When detecting the UMP devices, the FWUPG utility is always checking device 0 due to a bug. Change: When detecting the UMP devices, the FWUPG utility will scan all the devices in the system. Impact: UMP firmware upgrade operation. Version 6.0.46 (May 29, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ29559 Added the ability to do "First time install" of iSCSI boot in the field through 'prg' and 'restorenvram' for selective NetXtreme adapters. Change: The 'prg' command can program iSCSI boot firmware into the NVRAM. The 'restorenvram' command is able to pick up an image file that contains the iSCSI boot firmware and restore them into the NVRAM of an identical device that did not have the iSCSI boot firmware previously. Impact: Selective NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.45 (May 15, 2007) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ29502 The 'idmatch' option for 'restorenvram' command does not work with '-all' option. Cause: The 'idmatch' option in 'restorenvram' command was not parsed when the '-all' option was specified. Change: The 'idmatch' option in 'restorenvram' command is parsed when the '-all' option is specified. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.44 (May 8, 2007) --------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ29289 The 'restorenvram' command displayed an error message "error: no valid VPD header found and invalid firmware type" for 5906/5906M. Cause: The VPD data was not copied to the buffer that was used for validation. Change: The VPD data is copied to the buffer that is used for validation. Impact: BCM5906/5906M-based adapters. Version 6.0.43 (April 30, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ27416 Added a '-noreset' option in 'upgrade' command and a new 'reset' command in Command Line Mode. Change: Implemented code for the new features. The '-noreset' option in 'upgrade' command wil request the FWUPG not to reset the NIC after upgrade is complete. The 'reset' command will request the FWUPG to reset the selected NIC. Both features are valid only in Command Line Mode. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ29251 The 'restorenvram' command restored the NVRAM content even the 'idmatch' option was not spelled correctly. Cause: The 'restorenvram' command restored the NVRAM content by using the default setting if the 'idmatch' option was spelled wrong or absent. Actually, the FWUPG will restore the NVRAM content with the default setting if any option keyword is not spelled correctly. Change: The 'restorenvram' command will not restore the NVRAM content if any option keyword is spelled wrong. An error message is displayed to user. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.42 (April 19, 2007) ---------------------------------- Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ29195 The 'upgrade ?' command does not display iSCSI boot usage syntax. Causes: The information is not included in the display context. Change: The iSCSI boot usage syntax is added to the context. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. 2. Problem: CQ29203 FWUPG shows 'unknown' for iSCSI CFG1. Causes: The 'iSCSI CFG1' type was not recognized by FWUPG. Change: The 'iSCSI CFG1' type is now recognized by FWUPG. Impact: All dual-port NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.41 (April 18, 2007) ---------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ29157 Support CLP image file in 'upgrade' command. Change: Implemented code to upgrade CLP image file as PXE. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Fixes: ===== 1. Problem: CQ27739 The VPD information block was overwritten during the boot code upgrade. Causes: The VPD information from boot code image file was written to the NVRAM. Change: The VPD information in NVRAM is preserved now. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.40 (March 28, 2007) ---------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ28258 Added checksum support for Code Directory (0x14-0x73) in NVRAM at offset 0x75. Change: Implemented code to add the checksum for Code Directory. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.39 (March 07, 2007) ---------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ27344 Added capability to upgrade iSCSI boot firmware. Change: Implemented code to support the capability to upgrade iSCSI boot firmware. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. 2. Request: CQ27910 Added 'idmatch' option in 'restorenvram' command to check vendor_id, device_id, subsystem_vendor_id, and subsystem_device_id between the dump image file and the device before restoring the NVRAM from the file. Change: Implemented code to support the 'idmatch' option in 'restorenvram' command. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ28723 Boot code revision was not displayed correctly during upgrading process. Cause: The leading 0 of minor revision was not displayed. Change: Make sure the leading 0 of minor revision is displayed as 0. Impact: All NetXtreme adapters. Version 6.0.38 (February 26, 2007) ---------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: To support the BCM5722-based adapter. To support the BCM5756ME-based adapter. Change: Implemented code to support BCM5722/BCM5756ME adapter. Impact: The BCM5722 and BCM5756ME adapters are supported by Firmware Upgrade tool for Windows. 2. Problem: CQ27887 The commands, "help", "version", "dev", do not need a device parameter to be specified in the command line mode. Change: For "help", "version", and "dev" commands, the winfwupg can process the commands with or without a specified device. Impact: All adapters Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ28575 Winfwupg has no support of 5756ME. Cause: The 5756ME adapter is not supported in Winfwupg. Change: Functions are added to support 5756ME in Winfwupg. Impact: The BCM5756ME-based adapter 2. Problem: CQ26896 Winfwupg does not recognize 5722. Cause: The 5722 adapter is not supported in Winfwupg. Change: Functions are added to support 5722 in Winfwupg. Impact: The BCM5722-based adapter 3. Problem: CQ28511 Winfwupg does not display the version of boot code correctly for 5906. It does not downgrade the boot code properly either. Cause: The patch revision was not displayed by Winfwupg. The Upgrade function did not check the revision of the boot code. Change: Both boot and patch revisions are now displayed by Winfwupg. The revision of boot code is now checked by the Upgrade function and downgrade is done after confirmation from user. Impact: The BCM5906-based adapter Version 6.0.37 (February 12, 2007) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: To support the BCM5906-based adapter. Change: Implemented code to support BCM5906-based adapter. Impact: The BCM5906-based adapter is supported by Firmware Upgrade tool for Windows. Version 6.0.36 (November 1, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ27217 Previous release showed error 20 when executed. Cause: The message was newly added in last release to indicate any error returned from BmapiInitDiag() when this tool trying to gain the initial access to an adapter. Error 20 here indicated that the device driver was not loaded. Change: To print the reported message only for debug mode. Impact: The reported message should only be seen for debug mode. Version 6.0.35 (October 20, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ27077 winfwupg does not run properly on Windows Vista 5728. Cause: WinFwUpg required to run with NDIS driver 9.81 or later in previous release, while the driver version on Vista was 9.31. Change: To remove the above driver requirement. Impact: Vista should be able to run winfwupg. 2. Problem: CQ26975 Firmware Upgrade utility display incorrrect PXE version info. Cause: The 'dir' command used a 16bits mask to get the PXE version offset. When its offset exceeded 0x10000, the retrieved version information was then incorrect. Change: Fixed the related routine to use 32-bit mask. Impact: PXE version should be reported correctly by the 'dir' command. 3. Problem: CQ27005 Able to program ASF and overwrite IPMI on a 5721 and 5704s/c. Cause: The error case was not handled in previous release. Change: Added error case handling for the reported problem. ASF/IPMI firmware can only be loaded on a NIC with previous existent ASF/IPMI firmware respectively. Impact: 'upgrade' and 'seprg' (deprecated) commands. 4. Problem: CQ27006 Misleading "Wrong Firmware Image version" message is displayed when downgrading bootcode. Cause: Previous release sent out the above message when 1) In the command mode, downgrading the firmware using the 'upgrade' command without '-F' option. 2) In the interactive mode, answering 'n' at the "Continue downgrading ...(y/n)" prompt. Change: Enhanced the error handling for the reported scenarios. 1) "Supplied firmware has the same or older version. '-F' option is recommended." will be reported. 2) "No downgrade!" will be reported. Impact: Output messages for the reported scenarios. Version 6.0.34 (October 3, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ26967 'cfg -mac' got into infinite loop. This was only observed on Windows with the released version. Cause: Using incorrect data type casting to store values returned from sscanf() caused stack corruption. Change: Ensured correct data types are used to store values returned from sscanf(). Impact: 'cfg -mac' should not cause infinite loop. 2. Problem: CQ26898 Downgrading UMP w/o -F shows up as red text and should be on a new line. Cause: The reported output line should have been fixed with correct cursor color in previous release. Change: Fixed the reported message with correct cursor color. Impact: Output messages. Version 6.0.33 (September 29, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ26921 Unable to restore NVRAM when using two self boot devices of different size. Cause: The image checksum verification routine expects the selfboot image to be in little endian format while the supplied selfboot image previously generated by 'dumpnvram' is in big endian format. This caused the 'restorenvram' command to fail because of incorrect checksum. Change: Fixed the image checksum verification routine. Impact: Use case scenario around the bug. 2. Problem: CQ26893 PXE can be enabled when not present in NVRAM w/o warning. Cause: An incorrect parameter passing caused the code to slip through the error checking and always got PXE to be enabled/disabled. Change: Fixed the related routine to pass correct parameter. Impact: PXE can be enabled/disabled only when the PXE firmware is present in the selected adapter. 3. Problem: CQ26894 Enable/Disable Management firmware lacks error messages on Self-boot devices. Cause: No errors were sent for this case in previous release. Change: Added error messages to handle the reported scenario. Impact: The error message FWUPG_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE indicating "Feature not supported" should be seen in this case. 4. Problem: CQ26898 Downgrading UMP w/o -F shows up as red text and should be on a new line. Cause: A couple of output messages were not ended with "\r\n". Another one was not using the correct cursor color to output. Change: Appended "\r\n" to the related output messages, and also ensured that messages are in correct cursor colors. Impact: Output messages. Version 6.0.32 (September 22, 2006) --------------------------------- - Require network adapter driver 9.81 or later. - Require BMAPI version 7.5.12 or later. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ24703, CQ24810 To allow user to enable/disable management firmware. Change: Added the requested capability to the 'cfg' command. Impact: 'cfg -asf 1' command to enable asf firmware and 'cfg -asf 0' command to disable asf firmware. 'cfg -ipmi 1' command to enable ipmi firmware and 'cfg -ipmi 0' command to disable ipmi firmware. 'cfg -ump 1' command to enable ump firmware and 'cfg -ump 0' command to disable ump firmware. 2. Request: CQ24810 To allow user to enable/disable PXE. Change: Added the requested capability to the 'cfg' command. Impact: 'cfg -mba 1' command to enable pxe firmware and 'cfg -mba 0' command to disable pxe firmware. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ26558 Red text should be used for error messages only. Cause: Some messages were not sent with designated cursor colors. Change: Ensured all output messages are sent with appropriate cursor colors. Impact: Output messages. 2. Problem: CQ26568 Upgrade -F not enforced when upgrading management firmware (ASF/IPMI/UMP) to the same version. Cause: Previous release only sent out warning message when downgrading management firmware to an earlier version. Change: A warning message will be prompted if upgrading management firmware to the same version or an earlier version. Impact: A warning message should be seen when upgrading management firmware (ASF/IPMI/UMP) to the same version or an earlier version. 3. Problem: CQ26614 Remove driver version displayed from 'dir' command. Cause: The driver version information was shown in previous releases. Change: Removed the driver version information as requested. Impact: Driver version information should not be seen from 'dir' command. 4. Problem: CQ26557 Improper error message/format when programming from selfboot to old NVRAM format. Cause: Some internal coding errors in the image checksum verification routine caused the observed messages to be sent when the board contained selfboot image while the supplied file had regular bootcode format. Change: Fixed the image checksum verification routine. Impact: Use case scenario around the bug. 5. Problem: CQ25577 Possible misleading errors for user mistakes. Cause: Error handlings implemented in previous releases. Change: Enhanced some error handlings to address the reported scenarios. Impact: Use case scenario around the reported cases. 6. Problem: CQ26864 Improperly displays help information on "dir ?" and "upgrade ?". Cause: Handling of help information in previous releases. Change: Enhanced handling of help information in related routines. Impact: Proper help information should be displayed at all times. Version 6.0.31 (September 08, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00026674 Winfwupg: 5756ME shows up when should not be supported Cause: We do not support this device with this tool yet. But the tool claimed otherwise. Change: Just do not list the device in the list of supported device as part of the 'dev' command. Impact: 5755 family of products. Version 6.0.30 (August 31, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Not to run the application on the non-administrator privilege user Change: Added manifest file to "requireAdministrator" so that the application will run under administrator privilege only Impact: Windows Vista or later Version 6.0.29 (August 25, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: To support'prg' command with valid image file containing ONLY bootcode. Change: Implemented 'prg' support as requested. Impact: 'prg' command will program NVRAM with image file containing ONLY valid bootcode with no other firmware directories. Any file containing multiple firmware directories will be rejected with error code 75 indicating "Not a valid bootcode file." 2. Request: To support'cfg' command for all NetXtreme devices. Change: Implemented 'cfg' support as requested. Impact: 'cfg' command should work for all NetXtreme devices. Version 6.0.28 (August 23, 2006) --------------------------------- - Require network adapter driver 9.77 or later. - Require BMAPI version 7.5.12 or later. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: To exclude 'prg' command support for 5786. Change: Implemented 'prg' support as specified by the MRD. Impact: 'prg' command will support 5754/5755/5787 devices. 'cfg' command will support 5754/5755/5787/5786 devices. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ26457 Program crash and exit when running 'cfg -mac '. Cause: The crash occurred when the program tried to close a file with an invalid file handle. Change: Modified the program to ensure only valid file handle will be passed to close() a file. Impact: The program should never crash when running the above command. 2. Problem: CQ26459 Extra non-necessary error message is shown when downgrading. Cause: The described messages should only be used for debug mode. Change: Modified the program to sent the debugging messages only for debug mode. Impact: The described messages should not be seen when downgrading. 3. Problem: CQ26128 FwUpg utility's help description is not user friendly. Cause: No usage scenarios or examples were shown in Readme.txt. Change: Modified Readme.txt to update "Command Usage" section. In addition, "Examples" section and "Scope" section were added. Impact: "Command Usage", "Examples", "and "Scope" sections in Readme.txt. Version 6.0.27 (August 18, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ26419 Sequence during Upgrade of FW Should Validate Bootcode File First When Using FW Upgrade Utility Cause: The internal validation sequence implemented in previous release did not validate file first. Change: Modified the internal program flow so as to validate file first before taking further actions. Impact: The program should terminate immediately when a non existing file is specified. 2. Problem: CQ26414 Attempting to Program Firmware with Invalid Bootcode Name Results in Winfwupg.exe Fault. Cause: The related routine did not exit correctly causing an invalid data to be accessed. Change: Fixed the related routine to handle the error case correctly. Impact: An error should be reported when specifying a non existent file. 3. Problem: CQ26413 Properties for WinFWUpg.exe v6.0.26 - shows 6.0.25. Cause: Previous release did not update the associated resource file. Change: Updated the resource file as required. Impact: Properties for WinFWUpg.exe should show correct version. 4. Problem: CQ25968 Upgrade -F not enforced for same version. Cause: Previous release only sent out warning message when downgrading FW to an earlier version. Change: A warning message will be prompted if upgrading to the same version or an earlier version. Impact: A warning message should be seen when upgrading FW to the same version. Version 6.0.26 (August 14, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: To prgram bootcode on a blank NVRAM for 5754/5755/5786/ 5787 devices. Change: 1. Implemented 'prg' command to program bootcode on a blank NVRAM for the requested devices. 2. Implemented 'cfg' command to configure MAC address for the requested devices. Impact: 'prg' and 'cfg' commands. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ25968 Upgrade -F not enforced for same version. Cause: Previous release only sent out warning message when downgrading FW to an earlier version. Change: A warning message will be prompted if upgrading to the same version or an earlier version. Impact: A warning message should be seen when upgrading FW to the same version. 2. Problem: CQ26094 Wrong program name string was used in an error message. Cause: 'winfwupg' was mistakely reported when the program name string of 'lnxfwupg' was expected. Change: Corrected the program name string. Impact: Program name string should be refereced correctly. Version 6.0.25 (July. 14, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00025449 WinFWUpg report incorrecty reports version of pxe on 2nd port(5780B1) of an OEM machine. Cause: There is partially a driver issue which seem to have vanished with driver v9.71. For performance reasons we cache the EEPROM info internally until a subsequent write operation. In the dual port case, if we upgraded the NVRAM using the secondary port the primary port cached EEPROM info was not set dirty. So, a subsequent "dir" or "crc" command will be operating with both old cached information and any other newly read information. This results in corrupted display with the "dir" command (and so forth). Change: When any write/upgrade happens using one of the port, we now set the dirty bit on the cached information on the second port. This way, when the user switches to the second port after an upgrade operation on the first port, the EEPROM information will be re-queried and the cache information will be updated. Impact: All operations on dual port NIC/LOM. 2. Problem: Cont00025852 Winfwupg: Unable to upgrade PXE versions lower \ than 8.2.0 on PCI-Ex Cards Cause: Older PXE image files did not have the bus type field. The code was assuming the presence of this information all the time. Hence the bug. Change: We now check the image file to see if it has a valid bus type information. If not, we just validate the default device id information in the PXE image file and go through the rest of the operation. Impact: Use case scenario around the bug. 3. Problem: CQ25835 5715s can be flashed with 5715c bootcode. Cause: The boot code start address was handled incorrectly when reading the device string information in the nvram. Change: Fixed the related function to get correct boot code start address when reading the device string information. Impact: "upgrade -bc" should not proceed when the device id or the media type from the image file does not match that of actual NIC. Version 6.0.24 (July. 11, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00025797 "Winfwupg [MAC|GUID] seprg -a [ASF File] [save_image]" results in bad nvram backup image Cause: The code that initializes NVRAM size was not never hit in the use case scenario as in this bug. Hence the size of the dump file comes out to be zero. Change: The fix is to make sure that the correct NVRAM size is initialized before we do the dump of the NVRAM to a backup file. Impact: Use case scenario around the bug. 2. Problem: Cont00025699 Winfwupg: GUID of a non-broadcom NIC gives parameter after GUID as wrong device Cause: Wrong command parameter index was used to output the error message. Change: Decremented the parameter index by one to pick up the right parameter and give meaningful error information. Impact: Use case scenario around the bug. Version 6.0.23 (July. 07, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00025706 Winfwupg: 5781 gets Device ID Mismatch Error when upgrading boot code Cause: Because of the order of device id check, 5781 was identified as 5753. Change: Checking for 5781 before 5753 addresses the problem. Impact: Upgrade operation with 5753, 5751, 5781 NICs Version 6.0.22 (June. 30, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: CQ25623 Unable to upgrade 5751F with lnxfwupg. Cause: The functions to detect 5751F devices were not done correctly in previous version. Change: Fixed the related functions to detect 5751F devices. Impact: This tool should be able to handle 5751F. 2. Problem: CQ25513 Able to install ASF on a 5702-5 which did not have ASF before. Cause: Previous version mistakenly allowed to install ASF to a NIC without ASF images in its nvram. Change: Fixed the related functions to stop the operation with an error when trying to install ASF images to a NIC without ASF images in its nvram. Impact: Any fresh installation is not allowed. 3. Problem: CQ25138 'upgrade' Option Incorrectly Saves or Restores NVRAM - Results in Corrupted BootCod Cause: The boot code start address and boot code length were handled incorrectly if the input file is a dump file. Change: Fixed the related function to get correct boot code start address and boot code length before programming the image to nvram. Impact: "upgrade" with -bc option should be able to program nvram with a correct boot code binary image or a generated nvram dump file. Version 6.0.21 (June. 21, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00025460 WinFWUpg online help needs to be in a uniform format Cause: Request for re-formatting. Change: Reformatted the help information display. Impact: Help information display. 2. Problem: Cont00025440 Winfwupg, winfwnx2, Linux FWupg should not allow duplicate MAC addresses NICs Cause: We didn't capture this condition previously. Change: Now we error out in such a scenario. Impact: 'restorenvram' command. 3. Problem: Cont00025428, Cont00025469 winfwupg: unable to restore nvram image on self boot 5786 and 5787 Cause: The code was not setup right to deal with both an image dump and a boot code upgrade file. These two formats differs because one is in little endian (bootcode file) and the other is in big endian (dump) format. Change: Changed the code to deal properly with both the usage scenario. Impact: 'restorenvram' & 'upgrade' commands with/without sw-self-boot with/without -all option. 4. Problem: Cont00025411 "winfwupg -all restorenvram imagefile" should have numerous read/write statements like "winfwupg [MAC] restorenvram imagefile" Cause: Prior to this fix, -all option usage was not considered as a command mode operation. Change: Made changes to treat -all option as a command mode operation. Impact: '-all' option with 'restorenvram' and 'upgrade' commands. Version 6.0.20 (June. 16, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00025359 WinFWUpg: While doing a nvram restore on a 5786/5787 selfboot, the MAC does not get restored Cause: The condition was reversed. That is, when the MAC option was not specified, the code was overwriting it and vice-versa. Change: Reversed the checks. Impact: 'upgrade' command on self-boot. 2. Problem: Cont00025386 Winfwupg: can onlt restore nvram image using -all command on 1st device Cause: When filtering devices for restoring the NVRAM with -all option, the code was trying to get the ASF version number even though ASF is supported on the device. This failure to get the ASF version number resulted in the code identifying the scenario as device mis-match and hence filtered out the device for the restore operation. Change: Changed the code to not flag device mis-match in such a scenario. Impact: 'upgrade/restorenvram' with -all option. Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Check for image mis-match with restorenvram command. Change: We now filter out the devices if there is a image mis-match with the restorenvram command. Impact: 'dumpnvram/restorenvram' with/without -all option. 2. Request: We do not do strict device-id matching when filtering out devices with the -all option when used with restorenvram command. Change: We now do family based device-id matching. Impact: 'dumpnvram/restorenvram' with/without -all option. Version 6.0.19 (June. 13, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00024995 WinFWUpg: Disable/Enable wol corrupts selfboot firmware and resets MAC address Cause: Prior to the change, the code was setup to do disable/enable wol for selfboot firware types. Change: We do disable/enable wol correctly now. Impact: -w command option. 2. Problem: Cont00025243 WinFWUpg: Jade Lite 5786 Self Boot - Unsupported Device Cause: The bond-id field used for device/image matching was wrong. Change: We now get the bond-id masking in the WinFwUpg tool instead of relying on BMAPI. Impact: All commands/devices. 3. Problem: Cont00025325 WinFWUpg: Unable to upgrade bootcode on a 5754M A2 nic Cause: During device/image matching, we first check to see if the NIC is of a 5754 type (which includes 5754M). If so, we fail to identify the "M" part. Following this check is the check to identify if it is a 5754M type. Because of the checking order, we identify 5754M type as 5754. Hence the bug. Change: Reversed the check to identify 5754M before 5754. Impact: Use cases around the bug. 4. Problem: Cont00025194 WinFWUpg: Unable to upgrade/install asf fw on the (5754-A2) LOM. Cause: The code wrongly assumed that ASF is not supported on all of the NICs whoose ASIC version is 5787. Hence the bug. Change: The code now reports that ASF not supported only if the NIC type is 5786 or it is a selfboot when dealing with 5787 family of NICs. Impact: upgrade -asf option. 5. Problem: Cont00025289 System locks up during bootcode upgrade using linux firmware upgarde util. on 5700 Cause: The code was incorrectly trying to read the flash config register on 5700 & 5701 devices. Change: Check to see if flash is supported before trying to read the flash config register. Impact: All. Version 6.0.18 (June. 06, 2006) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00024976 WinFwUpg 6.0.16: Cannot upgrade bootcode for 5702 Cause: Prior to the change, the code was setup to do a strict device id matching against the firmware file we are about to upgrade to. This approach would probably not work all the time (as is evident from the bug case). Change: We do family based device-id/part matching (just like in DOS). Impact: All. 2. Problem: Cont00025174 Winfwupg crashes when using -all with missing parameters Cause: Prior to the change, the code was not setup to capture missing/invalid parameters for the 'upgrade'/'restorenvram' commands when used with the '-all' option. Change: We now report error for cases as described in the bug. Impact: "-all" option. 3. Problem: Cont00025026 WinFWupg: able to upload Teton MBA/PXE to Legacy cards Cause: Prior to the change we weren't validating against the default device id contained in the firmware image file. Change: We now report error if a NetXtremeII MBA/PXE image file was used to upgrade PXE/MBA on NetXtreme device. We also check against the default device id contained in the PXE/MBA firmware file for NetXtreme. Impact: 'upgrade' command. 4. Problem: Cont00025092 Winfwupg: incorrect checksum/nvram image when saving image for 5786 Cause: The flash type detection logic was not fully propagated properly in all the relevant places. This logic was missing when we do in-memory crc check on the dump that we are about to restore. Change: We now detect the flash type correctly and do the right thing when doing checksum verification on the dump file that we are about to restore. Impact: All. 5. Problem: Cont00025027 WinFWUpg: Legacy cards unable to overwrite Teton nvram saveimage files. Cause: NetXtremeII dump files are read-only. So, when dumping from NetXtreme, we failed to overwrite. Change: We now remove the read-only attribute before deleting the existing dump file (pretending overwrite). Impact: 'dumpnvram' command. 6. Problem: Cont00022363 WinFwUpg: Need UMP upgrade support in WinFWUpg 6.0.17 Cause: The current UMP config version information that was maintained in the code was out-dated and needed to be updated. Change: Updated the current UMP config version information. Impact: 'upgrade -ump' command option. 7. Problem: Cont00025028 WinFWUpg: upgrade command does not check the version of the firmware (no need for -F parameter). Cause: The code did not have the support for the requested logic. Change: Added support for detecting downgrade conditions and doing the right thing. Impact: 'upgrade' command. Version 6.0.17 (May. 30, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Cont00024073 Request to have Frm Upgrade Utility to only work on devices that it recognizes Cause: This is an enhancment request. Change: Added support to list only the supported devices that the commands can operate on. Impact: All 2. Request: Cont00022863 Request field FW upgrade utility winfwupg with -firmall option Cause: This is an enhancment request. Change: Added support for the -all option as part of the upgrade command. Impact: upgrade/restorenvram commands. Fixes: ====== 1. Problem: Cont00024908 WinFwUpg 6.0.16 - Incorrect version (6.0.15) shown when executed. Cause: Failed to update the version information for the previous release. Change: For this release updated the version information in all the required places. Impact: all 2. Problem: Cont00024933 Winfwupg 6.0.16: Crashes when uploading dummy MBA nic FW Cause: Uninitialized variable. Change: Initialized the uninitialized variable and checking against the invalid initialization value during checksum verification. Impact: upgrade command. 3. Problem: Cont00024981 WinFwUpg 6.0.16: ISCSI should not be allowed or mentioned Cause: Support for ISCSI bootcode upgrade was recently added but was later agreed to be dropped for this release. Change: Removed the -ib option from the upgrade command. Impact: upgrade command. Version 6.0.16 (May. 18, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added UMP/iSCSI support. Change: Enhancements. Impact: All. Different flash types as well. Fixes: ====== 1. Request: Cont00022363 Need UMP upgrade support in WinFWUpg Cause: The code now has support for UMP upgrade. Change: Added Support. Impact: all Version 6.0.15 (May. 12, 2006) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support for 5787 and 5754 chips. Added selfboot support as well. Change: Enhancements. Impact: All Fixes: ====== 1. Request: CQ24046 WinFWUpg:Bootcode fails checksum when you run sechksum Cause: The code now has support for 5754 chips. Change: Added Support. Impact: all Version 6.0.13 (Oct. 7, 2005) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Request: CQ13651 WinFWupg utility prompts for confirmation in command line mode Cause: The codes does not check whether it is executed under shell mode or command mode when propmpts for answer. Change: Don't prompt when it is executed under command mode. Impact: all Version 6.0.12 (Jun. 22, 2005) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Added support to PCI and PCI-E PXE firmware programming. Change: PCI and PCI-E devices will use different PXE firmware image. Impact: PXE firmware programming 2. Request: Sync. up with latest b57diag software Change: The codes are based on b57diag v8.11. Impact: all Version 6.0.11 (Feb. 22, 2005) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support TPM NVRAM lockout feature. Change: Sync. up the lockout feature with b57diag. Impact: Shasta C0 and Baxter Version 6.0.10 (Feb. 16, 2005) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support Baxter and Hamilton chips. Change: Add ASIC rev. and codes to support Baxter and Hamilton. Impact: All Note: The implementation REQUIRES that NVRAM size and TPM size are configured properly. 'erase' command does not support NVRAM address lock-out feature for Baxter yet. 2. Request: Support Hot-Plug configuration for Baxter and Shasta C0. Change: Add Hot-Plug configuration support for Baxter and Shasta C0. Impact: 'upgfrm' and 'secfg' commands. Version 6.0.9 (Jan. 25, 2005) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Request: CQ11793 WinFWUpg does not run on MoW Win2003-IA64 Cause: The way to detect non-buffered flash may cause the problem. Change: Detect no-buffered flash properly. Impact: all Note: Due to a driver bug regarding NVRAM access, driver v7.102 or later and v8.15 or later is required for 5700, 5701, 5702, 5703, 5704 and 5705 devices. Version 6.0.8 (Dec. 14, 2004) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: When doing '-w' command, if the driver version is earlier than v8.13, unload and lod the driver after NVRAM is updated. Change: Unload and load driver after NVRAM is updated if driver version is earlier than v8.13. Impact: '-w' command. Note: If driver version is earlier than v8.13, please close all appliocations before do '-w' command. If possible, also stop background process such as ASF IP monitoring Service and Power Management Service. IF ANY APPLICATION IS ACCESSING DRIVER WHILE THE FIRMWARE UPGRADE UTILITY IS TRING TO UNLOAD AND LOAD DRIVER, THE UNLOAD AND LOAD ACTION MAY FAIL. If the action failed, please manually use Device Manager make sure the driver is loaded and to reload the driver or reboot the system. Version 6.0.7 (Nov. 22, 2004) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ11144 Window Upgrade Firmware - Support to enable / disable WOL Change: Add '-w ' command to enable/disable WOL. Impact: none 2. Request: Link with BMAPIa.dll for AMD64/EM64T 64-bit Wondows Change: Use BMAPIa.dll instead of BMAPI.dll for AMD64/EM64T 64-bit Wondows Impact: AMD64/EM64T 64-bit Wondows 3. Request: Support new flash devices. Change: Support new NVRAM size configuration in NVRAM (0xf0-0xf3). Impact: a. Required NVRAM size configuration set in NVRAM (0xf0-0xf3) b. Required driver support for new flash devices. Version 6.0.6 (May. 27, 2004) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: CQ10205 Need better ouput in WinFWUpg Change: It is resolved as suggested to detect whether the program is in command mode or not. If it is in command mode, the output string with '\b' will be supressed. Impact: output information at command mode 2. Request: CQ10204 Need better support for online IPMI upgrade in WinFWUpg Change: New option to save current entire NVRAM image is added. Impact: 'seprg -a' command 3. Request: Support BroadSafe feature. Change: nvram programming related functions Impact: all 4. Request: Sync. up with b57diag 7.31 source codes. Change: All functions port from b57diag Impact: all Version 6.0.5 (Apr. 29, 2004) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Request: CQ9994 WinFWUpg: Cannot load PXE images bigger than 64K Cause: The program is using old firmware image size cap. Change: Change the new cap to be the same as b57diag. Impact: PXE upgrade Version 6.0.4 (Feb. 9, 2004) --------------------------------- Fixes: ====== 1. Request: CQ9473 WinFWUpg fails when teaming is configured Cause: The program use current MAC address instead of permanent MAC address to identify the target NIC when input from command prompt. Change: Use permanent address to identify the target NIC. Impact: command prompt input parameter Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support for new ASF 2.0 data. Change: Upadte to latest ASF table. Impact: ASF related functions. 2. Request: Use 'seprg -a' to program ASF firmare. Change: Implement 'seprg -a' command. Impact: none Version 6.0.3 (Jan. 15, 2004) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support for ASF 2.0. Change: Modify all ASF related functons. Impact: 1. asfprg command. 2. Require BMAPI v6.3.7 or later 2. Request: Support for ASF 2.0. Change: Modify all ASF related functons. Impact: 1. asfcfg command. 2. Require BMAPI v6.3.7 or later 3. Request: Support for 575x new LED modes. Change: Modify LED mode related settings and secfg related functions. Impact: 1. secfg command. 2. Require BMAPI v6.3.7 or later 4. Request: Support for AMD64 platform. Change: Re-compile for AMD64 machine. Impact: AMD64 platform. Version 6.0.2 (Dec. 19, 2003 ) --------------------------------- Enhancements: ============= 1. Request: Support for 575x devices Change: Recognize and support 575x based chip. Impact: All OS. Revision History ================ 6.0.1: - Fix CQ7103: Unable to upgrade ASF firmware (non-interactive mode) eventhough NDIS driver version is greater than 3.28. The problem is caused by the WinFWUpg not getting driver version number in non-interactive mode. It is fixed in this version. 6.0.0: - Support .NET Server 2003 32/64 bit environment. - 'asfprg' command requires driver 3.28 or later. 1.0.7: - Support ASF on 5705. 1.0.6: - Require BMAPI v3.0.3. - Support ASFCFG version 5. - Fix: 4938: WinFWUpg help menu needs correction on certain words. 1.0.5: - Fix: 4931: WinFwUPG does not check for file before erasing current ASF firmware 4932: WinFWUpg does NOT upgrade bootcode when the firmware upgrade process requires NVRAM gap cleaning routine. 1.0.4: - Add MAC address as one of method to select target adapter from command line parameters. - 'restorenvram' accepts option to restore complete image except MAC address. - Fix: 4887: sechksum command needs to allow user to correct (update) EEPROM checksum as stated in the help menu. 4885: 'Following' and 'complete' are misspelled as 'Fowllowing' and 'compelete' in help menu.. 1.0.3: - Take out commands (erase, seread, sewrite) that are for development purposes. - Parameters of 'seread' and 'sewrite' are changed to all hexdecimal. 1.0.2: - Require network adapter driver 2.78 or later. - Add to support command line for 'upgfrm', 'asfprg', 'dumpnvram' and 'restorenvram'. - Add exit code definition. Please refer to 'General Information' section. Initial Release ------------------ - Require BMAPI v2.2.19 or later. - Support Broadcom 570x network adapters only. - Require network adapter driver 2.67 or later. - Support boot code and PXE upgrade. ASF firmware update is not supported.