--------------------------------------------------------- Read Me! --------------------------------------------------------- Important Information for: Norton Personal Firewall 2005 v8.00 Norton Internet Security 2005 v8.00 All features of Norton Personal Firewall are in Norton Internet Security. Norton Internet Security has features not found in Norton Personal Firewall. --------------------------------------------------------- Contents of this File: --------------------------------------------------------- - What's New? - If ISP connection software is blocked, the computer can not connect to the Internet - Operation with local area networks - Installation with the Microsoft Installer - Installing on removable drives, FireWire drives, network drives - Installation on multi-boot systems - Installation on computers running server services - Uninstalling Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall - Upgrading operating systems after installing Norton Internet Security - Microsoft Outlook Express and private information - AOL Instant Messenger confidential information blocking - Browser Compatibility - Supported Operating Systems - Supported Hardware - Memory/Processor Speed for Norton Internet Security - Internet Messenger Client support for Private Info Blocking - Email Client Support - Installation Requires a Restart - Microsoft DCOM 1.3 notes - ICU License - LOGEXPRT.EXE is no longer included with Norton Internet Security -------------------------------------------------------------------- What's New? -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Outbreak Alert (Norton Internet Security only): Outbreak Alert communicates with the Symantec Security Response website to deliver real time information about the latest and most destructive Internet threats. Users can rest assured that they are protected. Outbreak Alert integrates with the tray icon and flashes red if there is a virus or blended threat outbreak. Links are provided for users who want to view details about a specific threat appearing in Outbreak Alert. -Performance Improvements: Network throughput performance has been improved. Elements in the user interface respond faster to user input. -Usability improvements for the main window: The main window changes color to better reflect the security status of the computer. The main window will be red, yellow or green depending on status. When the main window is opened, the focus will be on the item that needs attention the most. -Temporarily Disable Key Functions: Occasionally users may want to disable a key function, such as the Firewall, and later forget to enable the feature leaving the system exposed to threats. Now when a key feature is disabled a dialog will be displayed that allows users to specify an amount of time for the feature to be disabled so that the system is not left inadvertently exposed to threats. -Reduced Firewall Warnings: The Personal Firewall does a better job of judging the threat of Internet-enabled applications so that more applications are trusted and users will have to respond to fewer alerts. -One integrated Tray icon (Norton Internet Security only): Windows System Tray icons for Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security have been combined into one integrated icon. (In Windows XP, the System Tray is called the notification area.) -Confidential Information Blocked Per target: Now users can specify that their private information is OK to give to certain websites, but not to others. -Streamlined Install/Reduced Post-Install Tasks. -Referrer Blocking Enhancement: By default, referrer blocking information within the same domain is now allowed. -Minor Usability Improvements. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If ISP connection software is blocked, the computer cannot connect to the Internet -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Personal Firewall is an application-based firewall that is designed to stop unwanted applications (such as spyware or trojan horses) from accessing the Internet. Pre-configured application rules allow the Personal Firewall to automatically allow the most popular applications to connect to the Internet, or to display alerts recommending that they be allowed. If the application is less well-known, or if it is a newer version of a known product that the Norton Personal Firewall does not recognize, an application rule may not exist and a recommendation to block may be displayed. If ISP connection software is blocked, the computer can not connect to the internet. Security alerts that appear when you try to connect to the Internet soon after installation often relate to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) software. Choosing the "block" option on these alerts will result in blocking your overall access to the Internet. If you cannot connect to the Internet, review the Program rules in the Personal Firewall and search for the application that was blocked (some ISPs have multiple applications for Internet access). Configure these application rules to “permit” in order to allow your computer to connect to the internet. Please refer to the Online Help for instructions on configuring Program rules. It may be difficult to determine which programs are part of your ISP's software package, because application names are not always sufficiently descriptive. If necessary, write down the names of any blocked applications, and then contact your ISP to confirm that these applications are part of the ISP's software package before setting that application's Program rule to "permit." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation with local area networks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Norton Internet Security can block file sharing and print sharing. The Home Network Wizard runs automatically after installation to allow access to computers on the local area network for file sharing and other services. If the Home Network Wizard was dismissed without completing during installation, or if the installation was done when there was no access to a given local area network please refer to the Online Help for instructions on running the Home Network Wizard or for instructions on how to manually configure Norton Internet Security to give access to other computers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation with the Microsoft Installer -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Microsoft Installer (MSI) is required to install Norton Internet Security. If MSI is not already installed on your computer, the Norton Internet Security installer automatically installs it. On Windows Millennium Edition and in some other situations, the MSI installer may need to reboot your computer before Norton Internet Security can be installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation on removable drives, FireWire drives, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This product should not be installed on any type of storage media that may be inaccessible at times. This includes network drives, removable drives, hot- swappable drives, and USB and FireWire (IEEE 1394) drives that may be disconnected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation on multi-boot computers -------------------------------------------------------------------- Norton Internet Security can be used on computers that have more than one operating system (such as Windows 98 and Windows 2000) installed on the same primary partition. If you have more than one operating system installed, you must install Norton Internet Security into separate directories for each operating system. Attempting to use a single installation of Norton Internet Security may cause conflicts. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation on computers running server services -------------------------------------------------------------------- Symantec does not support running any version of Norton Internet Security or the Personal Firewall on any server edition of Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003. If you choose to install Norton Internet Security on a server, no technical support beyond the Symantec Knowledge Base will be provided. Windows servers need to perform certain Internet services during startup that Norton Internet Security normally blocks. This can affect computers running IIS or other servers on Windows 2000/XP Professional. Symantec provides technical notes that explain how to configure Norton Internet Security to allow server processes that need access to the Internet during startup. The technical notes are available from the Symantec Knowledge Base at: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/docid/2000053008391436 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstalling Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need to uninstall, do not use products like Norton CleanSweep. Norton Internet Security includes an uninstaller that is specifically designed to uninstall Norton Internet Security. To access the uninstaller, use The Add/Remove Programs option from the Windows Control Panel. If you have installed the Accounts and Parental Control features, you must be using a Supervisor account to uninstall Norton Internet Security. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading operating systems after installing Norton Internet Security -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you upgrade your operating system after Norton Internet Security is installed, you may encounter problems. Some indications of problems include startup errors and problems with Norton Internet Security user accounts. To fix the problem, uninstall and then reinstall Norton Internet Security. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Outlook Express and private information -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use Microsoft Outlook Express for email, you may receive two alerts when you attempt to send an email that contains private information in the body of the message. This is because Outlook Express is set by default to send both a plain text and an HTML version of each email. If you choose to block either version, the email will not be sent. -------------------------------------------------------------------- AOL Instant Messenger and private information -------------------------------------------------------------------- If AOL Instant Messenger is configured to use ports other than the factory defaults, Privacy Control will not be able to block private information in instant messages. To protect instant messages when using non-standard ports, add the non-standard ports to the Personal Firewall's filter list. To add ports to the filter list: 1. In the Main window, click Options. If a menu appears, click Norton Internet Security. 2. Click the Firewall tab. 3. Under HTTP Ports, click Add. 4. Type a port number and click OK. 5. Repeat for all the non-standard ports you are using. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Browser compatibility -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Internet Explorer 5.5 or later is required. The product is compatible with most web browsers. IE 5.5 or later is required to display the user interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Operating Systems -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Windows XP Professional, Home, Tablet PC, Media Center, including all service packs through SP2 -Windows Me -Windows 98/98SE -Windows 2000 Professional, SP1 or later required -Compatibility with all service packs available as of August 2004 has been verified. Compatibility with service packs released after August 2004 will be verified near the release date of the service pack. Product updates may be required for compatibility with versions of the OS or service packs not available as of August 2004. Check the Symantec website for compatibility information with service packs and operating systems not available in August 2004. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported Hardware -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Intel Pentium or higher x86 -Centrino -Crusoe -AMD -Tablet PC -Media Center PC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory/Processor Speed for Norton Internet Security -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Windows XP Home Edition/Professional: 300MHz processor or higher and 128 MB of RAM -Windows 2000 Professional: 133MHz processor or higher and 128 MB of RAM -Windows Me: 150MHz processor or higher and 128 MB of RAM -Windows 98: 133MHz processor or higher and 96 MB of RAM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory/Processor Speed for Norton Personal Firewall -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Windows XP Home Edition/Professional: 300MHz processor or higher and 128 MB of RAM -Windows 2000 Professional: 133MHz processor or higher and 96 MB of RAM -Windows Me: 150MHz processor or higher and 96 MB of RAM -Windows 98: 133MHz processor or higher and 64 MB of RAM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Messenger Client support for Private Info Blocking -------------------------------------------------------------------- -AOL® Instant Messenger (minimum version 4.3 required) -MSN® Messenger 4.7 -Windows® Messenger (minimum version 4.6 required) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Email Client Support -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Email scanning for viruses and private info supported for Standard POP3 and SMTP compatible email clients -Norton AntiSpam Email scanning is compatible with all POP3 Clients and Integrates with Yahoo!, Outlook, Outlook Express, -Eudora, and MSN/Hotmail when read through Outlook -------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Requires a Restart -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Norton Internet Security installs drivers that are required to monitor network traffic. These drivers require the computer to be restarted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGEXPRT.EXE is no longer included with Norton Internet Security -------------------------------------------------------------------- The command line tool LOGEXPRT.EXE is no longer included with Norton Internet Security. Command-line support for exporting log content has been added to the CCLGVIEW.EXE log viewer, see the Log Viewer Help for syntax. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft DCOM 1.3 notes -------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Windows 98 system components: The installation of this product will verify that Windows 98 has upgraded components from the package that Microsoft makes available as DCOM 98, version 1.3. If Windows 98 has not been updated with DCOM 98 1.3, it will be installed by the installer for this Symantec product. See http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/ for further information. Symantec agrees to reasonably cooperate with Microsoft in making support information requested by Microsoft available to users at the support location in Symantec's site. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ICU License -------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE Copyright (c) 1995-2003 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OFCONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.