This is Final Demo Version of reseter program V1.4 On this final demo, the reseter has fixes common issue problem: -error at installation -error when run program -and the most important has fixed problem Not working reset on older demo version. the last issue is caused by the printer doing cleaning head itself after process resseting. It make the counter increase to 100%, and the printer blinking again. On this version, the problem solve. The counter set exactly at 99%, so when the printer do cleaning proses itselft, the priter still working well. The full version program, has no error found from the first release. For Demo v1.3, user only can reset for 1 time to try. This demo only show that the reseter is working well. General Info about Demo version from v1.0 - v1.2 This reseter only can fix blinking problem on epson printer caused by Waste ink pad full. This demo version has limitation of use only 3 times to reset the counter and only reset at 99% (excatly at 99.9%) condition. the printer can print only at limited printing (only 1% remaining pad to full condition) or only had one chance to cleaning head and the printer will blinking again. The Full and Value version can reset to 0% of counter. This is Beta version of program and maybe not fully work for some system environtment. You can test this demo on your system, if it's work normally, you can purchase the FUll or Value version. If any problem occur, please let me know. I'll try to fix the issue. This program was testing and work on Windows XP and W2k. Let me know if it works on another OS. How to Install: Run the program and follow the instruction. If error occured when installing, try several times. Close another program to make sure the resource system free memory and procces. If success, it will create a shortcut on start menu program. Try to Reset the blinking printer with follow this instruction: -make sure the printer is plug on the computer (ptinter that have blinking problem, if you plug normal printer, the counter will set at 99% waste ink position.) -run the program, select try evaluate and press Reset Waste Ink Pad Counter. -If success, Quit the program. -Turn off the printer and turn back on -the blinking will gone -There will be warning on windows screen that Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. It's happen because the demo version only reset to 99% position of waste ink. SO the printer only have 1% left to accept the waswte ink. If your printer not modified with CISS, you have to place the waste ink pad (like foam material) with the new one. Or you can cleaning it, drying and place again on the printer. To Modified the printer or to change the waste ink pad, please googling on internet how to do that. Ignore if any message warneing appear. SO happy reset OK!! and Goodluck For more information of developing program always check on Next plan -> make reseter for TX101 Check for latest information and version at : Contact me at or