------------------------------ -: www.Hackerzadda.com :- -: Instructions :- ------------------------------ ================================================= == REMOVE ANY EXISTING FIXES BEFORE PROCEEDING == ================================================= Installation instructions: Option 1 (You have not yet installed your ESET product): 1. Run ESET PureFix and click enable. 2. Install your ESET product. 3. Activate the 30 day trial(using any made up email address). 4. If ESET doesn't start updating after activation, then force a manual update. 5. Wait for PureFix to finish. 6. Optionally - Reboot. Option 2 (You have already installed your ESET product and activated the Trial License): 1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode' either by clicking the 'Reboot in Safe Mode' button or following the intructions here - http://www.pchell.com/support/safemode.shtml 2. Run ESET PureFix and click enable. 3. Reboot. Removal instructions: Option 1 (You are removing your ESET product completely): 1. Run ESET PureFix and click disable. 2. Uninstall your ESET product. Option 2 (You only want to remove PureFix): 1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode' (you can use the safe mode option in the extras tab, or follow intructions here - http://www.pchell.com/support/safemode.shtml) 2. Run ESET PureFix and click disable. 3. Reboot. ------------------------------ -: Troubleshooting :- ------------------------------ Some users are having issues with the Web Protection in ESET v5 (Mainly Windows 7 x64) You can try the following installation method to overcome this: 1. Uninstall ESET 5 + Reboot (Only if ESET is installed) 2. Install ESET 5 3. Activate the 30 day trial(using any made up email address) 4. Force a manual update - this will come through at around 15mb 5. Reboot in safe mode and run PureFix 6. Restart into normal mode and run and update again - this will come through at around 35-40mb ------------------------------ -: Changelog :- ------------------------------ Changes in v2.03 *Improvements to install monitoring mode - PureFix will now wait for the trial activation and initial update before making it's final changes *Patching of 'No License' text in ESET 5 *Improved disable function - now cleans all traces of activation Changes in v2.02 *Icons updated *Fixed minor compatibility issue with ESET 4 Changes in v2.01 *Added ESET 5 compatibility *Major re-write of the entire fix *Added 'Extras' menu *New feature to force boot into safe mode *New feature to clear old ESET registry entries Changes in v1.52 *Bug fixed which was causing PureFix to falsely report 'failed' on non-english OS's. *Removal of 'Upgrade to full version' watermark from the Update tab. *Greying out of 'Upgrade to full version' under Advanced settings > Update. ------------------------------ -: Thanks/Credits :- ------------------------------ Thanks to PurplebeanZ(PurplebeanZ@gmx.co.uk) for creating this fix (and the instructions!). ------------------------------ -: End :- ------------------------------